Ha ha have they decided on what the fancy dress theme will be? x
No theme at the moment - will double check nearer the time
It'll be alright my lovely you will just have to find a slinky fancy dress outfit. We will have to post a number of suggestions when you know the exact theme. Hope you have a great evening my dear. xxx
No theme yet - tbh would be easiest if there isnt a set theme especially as am gonna have 5 outfits to create LOL
well when i come down, we can dress up properly for sat night out.. what do you think?

LOL dress up to go out here??? Where do you fancy - carvery or shall we go further afield???
Fancy Dress @ a wedding ? what is the world coming to lol
Hope you have a good evening - you have been busy - take care xx
I know bev its shocking LOL
Sounds like you've been having lots of fun - so pleased!
Do you know what the theme will be? Sure you can find someting glamorous!! xx
Yes lots of fun Rach, but am absolutely knackered LOL
Hi Helen, hope your feeling better
Am fine ta just shattered
Bummer about the fridge freezer! Good attitude about the weight though

there's no rush now!
Thanks Jess
*wave* hey my lovely hope you are okay? xxx
Fine ta
Sorry not posted in my own diary for few days but I try to pop into everyone elses before posting here and been so busy lately. Have had lots of lovely meals out and takeaway meals in this week as fridge freezer still out of action. Not even attempted to point and have made some seriously crazy choices
Hotpoint man was supposed to come today from 3.15 onwards so rushed home quick smart to find message on answerphone stating they were very sorry but they made the appt today by mistake - err no

- no mistake on my part I need an engineer to fix the darn thing and have done for nearly 2 weeks now - oh very sorry about that madam will next Tuesday be convenient - i guess so but today as previously arranged would have been perfect. Then they get all narky at end of call when I query whether they were sure that Tuesday was a proper appt and not a mistake on their part. Hopefully diet will recommence once I have a fully functioning fridge freezer cos shopping every night for something fresh is not aiding this diet mallarkey nor the bank balance as the lure of the takeaway and eating out calls
Work is stressful at moment as the child I support is moving schools in September and there doesnt appear to be another funded child coming in - then I hear that my HT has suggested to mum that I may like to go with him to new school - all well and good but would have been nice of her to mention it to me first

Also new school not within walking distance so not sure how I'll get there if it comes to it with times fitting in around my own girls going to and from school - bit too risky to rely on the buses to get me there and back in time. All worrying and stressful but hey ho thats life and we just have to learn to deal with it I guess.
On the OU front probably best not to even mention it - just sweep it under the carpet and hope it goes away!
Out tomorrow and possible house guest at weekend (snow dependent) so not sure when I'll be around next but hope everyone has a fab weekend. Catch up soon xxx