Jaylou's diary~Much better now!

Saturday 9th January

Brunch - 3 bacon, 2 eggs, tinned tomatoes and 1 small toast (3)

snack - banana and hot choc (2) after a very cold walk with the dog!

Dinner - sweet chilli chicken (1) with dry roast potatoes and salad (leaves, pepper, tomato, onion)

A - milk B - 4 ryvita

Syns - bread 3 chicken 1 hot choc 2 2 gingernuts 4 total 10
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Quick write up of Sunday's foods

Brunch - 3 bacon, 2 eggs, tinned tomatoes, 2 toast (B)

Snack - 2 bananas

Dinner - turkey tossed in fromage frais and herbs, added some peas and then topped with swede and potato mash. Served with carrots and broccoli.

Syns - 4 ryvita crackerbread (4) 28g light philly (2) 2 rich tea (4) total 10

Today I am not feeling so good so haven't had much

Banana, apple and FF yoghurt is all so far!
I'm having egg and chips for dinner with fresh tomatoes.
I'm craving cheese and bread which always makes me feel better, no matter how grotty I'm feeling. I may have this for supper if I feel like it.
An early night is planned with a hot chocolate.

Feeling rather sorry for myself today *sob* *sniffle*
Still not feeling 100% so food not good - 1 slice of small bread with spread for breakfast, 1 slice of bread with cheese and an apple for lunch and going to have some carbonara for dinner when I get back from fat club.
Hoping for a couple of pounds off this week!!
Booo hisss! Feeling poorly is pants...sending you get well soon vibes *hugs*
Good luck tonight - I have a good feeling about it for you :D

Hope you perk up soon.

Well ladies, thank you so much for being there *hugs* to you both.
Feeling much more chipper today, nearly back to normal! The appetite is back which is good :)


*drum roll* I lost 2lb. Happy with that but a deserved loss I think, not that I'm blowing my own trumpet but I have stuck to it this week. It's been hard and especially this new superfree thing, takes a bit more thinking and a lot of handfuls of salad sometimes to make it right. Oh and I've tried to stick to 10 syns too which is unusual.

Another week of the same I think and I'll be back in the zone, now only half a pound outside my target. I have another free non-socialising week this week so should be okay.

Have a good day all. Will write food up later.
Wednesday 13th January

Breakfast - was up very very early so had banana and yoghurt then had a second brekkie of 2 bacon, 2 poached eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes. Yum. Love SW!

Lunch - small leftover portion of leftover kofta curry and saffron rice

Dinner - Prawn and pea risotto with HEA parmesan and a big side salad.

I've measured my 250ml milk into a jug today to see how much I use in coffee and then I'll syn it. I've always used my A choice for milk but if not having cereal then I'm not sure I use it all. So, I'm using cheese for A today and synning the milk - I hope it's less than 6 ;-)

B choice - 4 ryvita (with ham and tomato)

Syns - milk 3 ice cream 8 total 11
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Thursday 14th January

Breakfast - 2 bananas and a mullerlight


Lunch - minestrone soup (tinned toms, onion, carrot, pepper, pasta) 2 satsumas

Dinner - Spaghetti bolognaise (mince, passata, grated carrot, onion, garlic, beef stock cube) with salad

A - milk B - hi fi bar

syns - 2 tbsp parmesan 3 chocolate digestive 4 total 7
Friday 15th January - a cold grey and miserable day today.

Breakfast - banana sliced onto 3 ryvita wholegrain crackerbreads (1/2B)


Lunch - minestrone soup (as yesterday) and a mullerlight

Dinner - Jacket potato with light corned beef (2) baked beans, cheese (3) and salad leaves and tomatoes.

Syns - had some naughty buffet items so no syns tonight for this naughty girl!!!
Quick catch up of the weekend's food. Not been making Actual Effort really, gone over on the synnage a bit but not too much, I haven't been writing down - BIG mistake!

Had cooked breakfast and dinner both days, no lunch.
I made the Chicken Tikka Masala from the mag for dinner last night and it was absolutely fantastic. this will be made again for sure.
Tonight I have made the beef goulash from the mag and we are having it with SW chips and carrots and broccoli.
There have been some cracking recipes in the magazine this month, I've been very impressed!
The beef goulash last night was gorgeous!
I've had some great dinners recently, Homity pie, sweet chilli chicken, kofta curry, tikka masala and the goulash, bring on the new magazine as it certainly makes me do different meals!!

Two days now to try to undo the Friday buffet and Saturday night nibbles.....

Monday 18th January

Breakfast - big fruit salad (apple, pear, satsuma, kiwi, grapefruit) with half a strawberry mullerlight

Lunch - mild curry savoury rice (I'm emptying my cupboards!!) and lots of crunchy salad (red/white cabbage and carrot)

Dinner - Turkey casserole. Turkey, swede, carrot, onion, potatoes and some lentils to thicken, stock and herbs. Will serve with peas (I don't put them in as DD won't eat it if I do!!)

A - milk B - 2 ryvita and cottage cheese & tomato

Syns - 5 rich tea (10) I couldn't stop!!!
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Just having a little read...I am sure your naughty buffet items won't hinder you too much this week. You may feel Titanic-like, as I am, but I bet you still manage a loss!

I'm planning on doing a few mag recipes this week - I am glad the tikka one worked, as think that's the plan for Wednesday. Scrummy.

Good luck tomorrow girly.
I hope so girls but I really do feel hefty, think it may be hormonal!
I'm ready for my dinner now but OH still isn't home.....
It's now Thursday and I've missed two days, mostly due to being busy at work/home but also because I can't get into the swing of things. I gained a pound at WI this week but I do feel hormonal so maybe that's it. Who knows, all I do know is that I'm not very focused at the moment. I do really well for a week and then lose it a bit. The meals are planned, the lunches are prepared for work but I'm having extras.
I'm unsure if I feel "deprived" (for want of a better word) by not having the 2 A's and B's. I love EE and it makes the meal planning so easy but I'm tired of synning cheese (due to the one A and not being allowed it as a B) so I'm not counting it. Then I'll have some ryvita at supper for an extra B.
Hmmmmm. Perhaps exclusively EE is not the way for me. I'm out for a meal tonight so I'll eat free all day with a big cooked breakfast and fruit salad for lunch then think about how I go on.
I need to shift some weight!!! How radical is this, I even thought about buying the WW or RC mag and doing a week of their plans to see if anything happens and to focus my mind again. Eek, I'm desperate.
Anyway, enough rambing on. I'm off to give myself a good talking to......
Thursday 20th January EE

Breakfast - 2 "fried" eggs, 2 rashers bacon, 3 chopped tomatoes and some salad leaves.

a banana

Lunch - spicy butternut squash soup (in recipe thread) roasted bns with cumin, coriander and chilli whizzed up with tinned toms and water and served with a dollop of natural yoghurt and torn basil leaves. SUPERFREE & SPEED!!

an apple

I'm not having any syns or my B choice (A is milk). I can't remember what I ordered, I think it was tomato soup so my B will offset my bread roll a bit! Main I think is steak so that's not too bad and I'm not sure on pud. It's probably completely different but we'll see ;-)
Sometimes a change is needed to shake the body up a bit ~ I had thought of RC as my friend joined, a woman at her class lost 14stone!!!! In saying that I do love SW, especially EE ~ I'm lucky in respect of my A choice as I don't really like dairy but I do sometimes miss my extra B choice. You have done so well hun on SW, maybe mix EE with green and red days? Hope you are having a good night out xx