*peeks in*.....
Oh god girls, I am officially on a detox for the next couple of weeks

. I literally ate and drank enough to kill someone at the weekend

, hangover food followed in abundance.
I can't remember what I drank, all I know is that I spent over £100 on booze

I'm on TFR. For a fortnight. Then my fella will be home.
I am an out of control force when I drink. Oh god oh god oh god
Yesterday (monday) I made cupcakes, ate one of those, had some chocolate, had 2 x bacon and cheese baps *drooooool*, and some galaxy counters

Erm, Sunday was chocolate, the hugest bacon sandwich EVER, and a massive portion of chips when I got home.
Saturday I had a chicken curry (which was totally gorgeous) and various bits of choc again.
Drink: 3 champage cocktails before leaving the house.
1 litre jug of cheeky vimto (blue wkd and port)
4 x strawberrry woo woo cocktails
1 x vodka lemonade
3 x bottle corona beer
3 x Smirnoff ice
4 x assorted shots
After that it all gets a bit fuzzy
Today I've had a flapjack and 3 black coffees. Long may it continue.