Jellybean33's food diary - EE from home

I seem hopeless at homemade curries to date!!! The only one I've made that was nice was mushy pea curry! Bit the last one I made ended up in the bin lol! I'll keep you posted on my verdict!

B - A vanilla Muller and an apple

S - banana and an alpen (3 syns)

L - sw sausage sandwich (3 syns for 1 slice wholemeal, 1 syn for ketchup), pom bears (4.5 syns) and strawberries

D - ultimate sw burger with sw wedges, corn on thy cob and sw BBQ sauce

Milk in tea and coffees- 1.5 syns

Syns = 13
Hex A = √
Hex B = √

B - 1x wm toast with banana on top

L - egg muffins with tomatoes and ham in, plus extra tomato on the side (shopping day tomo!!!) Then a Muller with cherries and raspberries on top.

S - we took my little girl to the cinema, so I had a Dr pepper zero, 1/2 hex b alpen, flying saucers (3.5 syns), flump (1.5), salted caramel popcorn (5 syns)

D - roast gammon, roast spuds, parsnip, Yorkshire (4 syns), carrots and cabbage and 0.5 synsbf reduced sugar and salt gravy (didn't realise we'd run out, so literally had a dribble!)

Syns = 14.5
Hex a = milk in tea and coffee and Yorkshire (although also synned this!)
Hex b = √

Starting a week of eesp as of tomo...let's see how that goes!
Good luck with SP!
Good Luck... Just remember to write a list of what you need...and the other thing I did was not buy what. I could not have on EESP, like bananas, cherries and blueberries, probably easier for me as my OH won't touch fruit so I only ever by for me anyway. Get something you would not normally have like melon, plums and pears that are still S foods and put it on a separate shelf for you or smaller fruit bowl, that way you won't just pick up something that will blow ur day without thinking until it's too late :)
Thanks for the advice Gemsta! The only thing we have in that I know I'm not allowed on eesp is Muller's! I think hubby !might end up eating the accidentally (even though I've said not to!!) But this is only his second full week anyway so it shouldn't effect him too much if he has the odd yogurt!

Cooked breakfast today...not my absolute favourite, but an easy way of getting lots of s and p that'll fill us up! Xx

B - poached egg, a Linda mc sausage, mushrooms and tomatoes

L - BBQ chicken salad (1.5 syns), followed by a nakd rhubarb and custard bar (6 syns) and half a peach

S - apple and saltana alpen and an apple (1/4 hex b)

D - Firstly...oh lordy I've found a new favourite sw meal!!! Baked chilli enchiladas! I made the sw mixed bean chilli in the slow cooker, then using 1 of my hex b bfree wraps, I made wraps (filled each with a couple of tablespoons of chilli) and then poured on some passata and sprinkled over my hex a cheddar. Popped them in the oven for 20 mins and hey presto! Tasted just like Escondido enchiladas to me!!! Served with salad.

Snack time next = sweet popcorn options (2 syns), mini marshmallows (10 for 1 syn), diam mikados (4 for 2 syns), alpen bar (1/4 hex b) and some rasperberries for speed. Don't think I'll manage all that in second thoughts...will update!!!

Milk in hot drinks = 2 syns

Syns = 14.5
Hex a = √
Hex b x 2 = √ (1x bfree wrap, 2 x alpen)
Pics... Have also included my epic sw food shop pic, and hubby's sw packed lunch (he left the pom bears too!)...


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Treat... And yes, I ate it all (well, only 4 mikado as planned!)


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Food looking amazing. I will definitely try the enchiladas! I have a friend coming for tea Fri...This may be the deciding dish!
Sweet popcorn options? Is this new?! Sounds amazing... I'm going to search asda online now!
All looks lovely!
Food looking amazing. I will definitely try the enchiladas! I have a friend coming for tea Fri...This may be the deciding dish!
Sweet popcorn options? Is this new?! Sounds amazing... I'm going to search asda online now!

Think it's quite new...was yummy, but not very popcorn like...similar to the caramel one, but not so sickly (don't get me wrong, I like sickly!)

It was amazing...and would be a good 'entertaining' dish!

Just made some sw haribou sweets for trying out new recipes!
Great looking first EESP day chick! Well done!
Thanks wasn't actually hard at all- I thought I was gonna feel starved all day!.

And thanks/sorry SammieAnn, I love a good gawp at some yummy sw meal photos too!!!
Slimming world haribou


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