Thanks girls
My scales today say I'm 9st 1.6 - first time I've seen them say I'm less than 9st 2!
I'm a bit distraught this morning because I've had yet another nightmare involving one of my friends from cadets
I think it's just because he's gone to join the RAF and I'm a bit worried.
If I hold my stomach in (which I do, permanently) then I look quite skinnywhich I'm quite proud of.
I shouldn't joke about that cos actually, my mum's ex boyf used to work with a bloke who cling-filmed his boobs! x
Get some Spanx - they're absolutely brilliant, and if you get them from America then they're cheaper then Trinny & Susannah's magic pants
It doesn't all spill out the topI have the 'all the way up' ones, they go all the way up to my bra, and they're actually really well made so that you can't even tell where they finish
(unless you get black ones and wear a white t shirt! Haha
I love mine, I wear them with skin-tight tops because otherwise I look terrible, haha.
It's like having your stomach held in permanently, but you don't have to actually do it yourself
If you're going to get some, I got mine from a good site - they cost £18ish as opposed to the £25-30 most places sell them at
Hip Undies - google it, I'm sure if I'm allowed to post links like that.
Yay, I like my new boyfriend ^.^ (it does help, haha)
He asked me how I was and I said I was a lil upset cause I had a bad dream, and he said - 'I won't ask you about it'
If it was my ex, I would've had the spanish inquisition until he knew every detail of the dream
Well I didn't see him yesterday, but I might be seeing him later and I most definitely expect cuddles!haha.
I'm so easily pleased, and my ex just didn't get it
9st 2.0 this morning.