Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

I'm going to see if I can stick to 17 points a day permanently now, let's see if I can get to goal by the end of October ;)
That is, according to my scales - the ones at my meeting will still say I'm 9st 1-2 :rolleyes:


Oooh best of luck! You can do it! x
LOL - I had a really good day yesterday and I've gained 0.6 lbs :rolleyes:

Apparently I'm STILL paying for Sunday!
Both weight-wise and sleep-wise :(

I need a little advice! :)

I've had my eye on a guy in one of my classes for months now, and I think the signs are good - but I reckon he's too shy to say/do anything.
Do you think I should say something? If so, what? :rolleyes:

I'm totally hopeless with guys, haha.

Hi Jenni. Why not ask him out for something 'safe' like a coffee after classes rather than a date and then you can see how it goes from there.
Ohmigod, I did it :D

I told him how I felt (not exactly how I felt though, don't want to have him running to the hills already :rolleyes:) and he said he felt the same! Yay :D
Happiest girl in the world now ^.^ haha.

I mean, looking back, the signs were there in spades :rolleyes:
But once you've said it, I mean, I was so scared he was going to be like 'erm...'

I have 5.5 points left, I might have a crunchie later to celebrate. ;)

Oh bless! At least you didn't have your friend go up and say 'my mate fancies you' :D

What did you say to him? Are you going out on a date? Where? When?

I love it when a plan comes together. I met my OH when I auditioned to sing in his band and it took us ages to get together - in fact he once asked me for advice on how to ask out a woman he fancied at work (!)

We flirted by text for a while as well and then he told me I had spoiled him for other women because whenever he met someone he fancied he compared her to me and then he didn't want to ask her out anymore. Yay me!
:D hehe.

Well I don't know about a date, but I'll be seeing him tomorrow in physics :rolleyes:

I've had a LOT of getting my mates to tell the guy I like him :rolleyes: I'm totally useless, hahaha.

I texted him to say I had a birthday surprise for him :) (he's 18 today)
And then I said, well I may as well tell you now, since I'll be too much of a wuss to do it in person :p

Romantic, eh? :rolleyes:

Oh no - I just had a thought - I can't kiss him, can I?
Or I'll give him glandular fever :(

Oh that's awful, I've totally lost my buzz now :(

Aww, loooove is in the aiiiir.

Boyfriends make you fat. Remember that. (I'm just jealous because I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 6 years and I don't get the excitement of new relationships anymore! :p)

Plus, this guy is another skinny one :rolleyes:
So that probably equates to eating rubbish, at least, it did with my ex :rolleyes:

Though I made my ex put on about a stone, he loved my spaghetti bolognese :D haha.

Seriously, I think my 'type' is now skinny IT students, lol.

Wow, 6 years is forever, lol. Having said that, it's the same amount of time as my sister has been with her boyfriend - I keep asking her when they're going to get married, just for fun :p

Just got back from my weekend away.

It would've all been fine if it wasn't for the fact that some of the lectures touched on some sensitive issues and now I'm comfort eating myself to death :(

Not looking forward to tomorrow's WI. :cry:

Thanks hun :)

I guess it doesn't really help that my boyfriend hasn't texted me back in hours so I don't have anyone to cheer me up :(

Know any good jokes? :rolleyes:

I know lots of bad jokes. Can't think of any right this minute but bear with me...

Hope you are feeling better soon by the way - and put down the chocolate - it won't make you feel better in the long run x
Step away from the chocolate missy!!! You've only got 5lbs to go now, c'mon keep your chin up. I'm sure your boyfriend will be in touch again soon he won't be able to forget about such a gorgeous girlfriend!!!
I think it's also cause I'm tired, haven't had anywhere near enough sleep this weekend so I'm working myself up into a big stress.

(BTW, if you are completely bemused, you can read what's actually going on in the Late Night Sofa thread, just because I didn't want it on here cause it isn't members only. :))

Ok, here you go...

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change.

How many mothers does it take to change a lightbulb?
No, no, don't you worry about me, you go out and have a good time, I'll just sit here by myself in the dark.

How many members of Oasis does it take to change a lightbulb?
They don't change lightbulbs, they just bang on for hours about how John Lennon would have done it.

How many anarchists does it take to change a lightbulb?
You don't change it, you SMASH it.

How many roadies does it take to change a lightbulb?
One, two, one, two, one, two.

How many women with PMT does it take to change a lightbulb?
Change it your ****ing self!
LOL at the last one Karen. :)

Thanks girls, I don't know what I'd do without Minimins sometimes :rolleyes:
Going to put the down the chocolate/meringues/crisps now. (oh dear...)
