Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

well done you. as long as you are feeling more in control of what you eat then that can only be a good thing.

How come it takes you ages to walk anywhere? I am curious how the symmetry thing works there. x
The symmetry is mainly to do with my feet. So when I'm walking, if I step on a crack with one foot, I have to with the other. If I go up a step with one foot, I have to with the other.
It's the same for different coloured ground, wet patches, shadows, twigs on the ground, leaves etc.

Now you see why. ;)

I also get it with holding things, and I bit the inside of my cheeks in a certain pattern.

Oh, and if I do it wrong, I have to go 'even it up' as such, or go back and do it again.

I didn't mention, the symmetry is only to do with my body. :)

Hi Jenni, sounds like you're doing well and on track today.

The form of OCD you have is very common and is the same one I had when I was younger and which I have thankfully mostly "grown out of".

Have you seen the film "Dirty Filthy Love" (not as rude as it sounds). The hero has OCD and Tourettes and it's a very sympathetic representation of his (very severe) condition. Rosie, if you're interested in the condition you might want to give it a watch too x
Fingers crossed I might grow out of it then :)

I haven't watched it, have heard of it though :)

It's a good film.

You might well find that you do grow out of it but have a tendency to relapse under stress. I do, but I keep it surprisingly well under control. I can even have the duvet crooked now (but have been known to make Keith get out of bed because the bottom of the roller blind is not symmetrical!)
Thanks for that, Karen - I will give that a watch - wonder if I could still rent it at Blockbuster etc.

Look at you, two days before your wedding handing out advice to other people....go and bite your nails somewhere and stop being so calm - its not normal!!!;)
Long time since I've posted :)

I've been sticking to Core pretty much, with some non-Core foods :p but I've lost 1.5lbs which I'm happy about :) yay :)

I have such a busy week and a bit - dentist (eek) and getting a new phone tomorrow, open day (Manchester) on Wednesday, January exam results on Thursday, open day (Sheffield) on Friday, work on Saturday, free day (woohoo!) on Sunday, mental health assessment on Monday, free day on Tuesday, open day on Wednesday (UCL).

Quite drunk right now, just been to the pub quiz. Sadly didn't win anything :p

Well done on the 1.5 loss :)
Well done on the loss, Jenni.

Where do you want to go? My friend's daughter is at UCL and loves it. She's studying French & Italian though I think. Its a big place right enough. x
I'm thinking either Manchester or Imperial College. Still waiting on Imperial's reply - if I get an offer from there then I'll probably go there.

I love my new phone so far, it's another Nokia (yay).
Dentist wasn't too bad, he let me listen to my mp3 player which distracted me from how EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL it was. :p

Well, on the diet front things are going terribly, LOL.

Though my temporary crown is making me really nervous of eating much - that's not to say I haven't been eating though :p

I got my January exam results today! :D:D:D:D

Got As in all my maths/further maths modules which is a HUGE weight off my mind because I won't have to resit any! Really did NOT want to have to remember all the vectors/matrices stuff I learnt (at least, not until uni :p)
I worked out that if I turn up to my maths/further maths exams in June and don't write anything, I'll get a B in both :p

Got an A in my chemistry resit which I am SO happy about, cause I now have an A in AS chemistry :D

Now I just have to worry about getting an A in physics to ensure I get into Imperial/get a scholarship at Manchester :)

Having a bit of a 'ho-hum' day. Was at work earlier, which was nice because I get to work with my brother every time now, we have our own little stand selling cider :p

My hormones are finally starting to settle after about 3 weeks off the pill (!) which is kind of nice :) though I've had a really munchy week so Monday's weigh-in will almost certainly be a gain :(

well done on your resits and your maths modules.. thats fantastic.

dont worry about monday, just concentrate on today and tomorrow and i'm sure monday will be fine xxx
I suppose that means I shouldn't finish off this choccie bar... :rolleyes:

It's now safely in the bin, thankyou Rach :)

Congratulations on your excellent results you're a star.

Keep away from the chocs if you can and this week may not be too bad

Good luck

Well done on the A-levels :D

I came off the pill recently too, moooood swiiiiiiiiings :p It's why I stopped, I hate how it messes with hormones so much. Implant isn't as bad, right?
In theory, though I was talking to my ex the other day and he said I was worse with the implant than I was with the pill.

Having said that, it might have been more to do with him than the implant :p as I'm fine now, had it a year and a half ish :)

I do like it though - just the fact that I (now) know there is NO chance I'm pregnant, at all, never ever. More effective than sterilisation :) Didn't know that a month ago though, would've been helpful :p

Just randomly decided to read through the first few pages of your diary (Jess) and have decided that I CAN do this, and I WILL do this, I so want to see the scales say 9st 1 instead of 10st 1!

I'm allowed 19 points, but I think I'll have 18, I might as well get used to 18 since I'll be on it soon enough.

Also going to use up some of my Cambridge shakes I still have, quite a nice breakfast for 2 points (or 4 if I use skimmed milk instead of water... yum yum.)

Wish me luck, eek :)

Good Luck!! You sound so determined and positive which is great! xx