Hah, yeah, overcoming OCD looks like it'll be easier than losing weight and maintaining it
Well, over the past few days I have fallen off the wagon (into a puddle of melted chocolate... mmmmm chocolate.....) LOL.
Need some motivation to stop eating crap!

I thought seeing 10:3 on the scales would do it, but evidently not
I might have to dig out an old picture to scare myself with every time I want to eat chocolate

I may have to do the Paul McK thing when I'm craving it too.
OK, so, plan! I'm going to do Core:
1. Eat breakfast every day, and if I don't, I DON'T get a late night bowl of cereal

2. Stop going to Mcdonalds for lunch, unless I'm getting a salad and NO Mcflurry.
3. Only snack on fruit/salad other than mealtimes.
4. Not to eat chocolate for a week.
5. Not to go shopping for crap food. I went to the shops the other day with the thought in my head - 'what can I get that's cheap and unhealthy'

6. To stop not doing things because I 'can't be a**ed', or at least not as much.
Hmm, anything else?