Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

Well done on the results Jen and well done for sticking (reasonably well) to Core.

Good luck on 18 points x
Had a bad bad bad day, travelling which always makes me munchy.

Visited UCL today, decided I want to go to London, but I don't like UCL that much lol. So, Imperial or Kings College then.

Had my OCD assessment on Monday, I definitely have OCD (I'm not just crazy :p)

Off to bed now, absolutely knackered :)

Sounds like you had a tiring day - hope that you managed to munch on some WW stuff....

Studying in London would be a blast. For me, its definately a place to stay in when you are a young thing - It would do my head in now. Love to visit but love to go home again to the peace of solitude.

Will you get some support now for your OCD or is it just something you have to learn to live with?

Have a great weekend. x
Yeah, I'd love to go to London for uni, it would be pretty awesome :)

Apparently I'll start therapy for my OCD soon - they can't really say 'you have OCD... go live with it' :p

Still having a munchy few days, I will get back on the wagon - promise :rolleyes:

Was at work earlier and had such a rubbish time, some guy shouted at me for something (can't remember what now, LOL).

Been really up and down for a few days now, I cried most of yesterday evening - Jon was saying it's probably the most random crying I've ever done, lol. He was talking about chocolate and I burst into tears over nothing at all :confused:
Ah well. I'll hopefully feel better soon :)

Agreed :) Just went out for a little walk with my dad, got a bit of shopping done :)

Feeling more positive today, I managed to resist a bacon and egg sandwich :eek: which I'm pretty impressed with!

I'm planning on not having too much to eat later, it's Jon's brothers birthday and his mum is doing something and there'll probably be cake :rolleyes: so I shall have a small slice, and not snack in between :)

Let's see if I can actually do that :p

you prob burst into tears cos he was talking about chocolate ;)

Glad to hear you'll be getting some help with your ocd hon x
Well, I managed to resist bacon sandwiches AND not snack between lunch and dinner, so I'm pretty pleased with myself (even though I didn't resist cake :rolleyes:)

Spag bol for lunch, yay :)

Doing fine over there Jenni, enjoy your day and credit for avoiding the sandwich

ARGH I have toothache from hell right now.

On the downside, I'm in agony...
On the plus side, I can't really eat until tomorrow, when I get to see my dentist :p

ARGH I have toothache from hell right now.

On the downside, I'm in agony...
On the plus side, I can't really eat until tomorrow, when I get to see my dentist :p


As I said more than once....EVERY CLOUD.....

hope it gets sorted out. There is no worse pain than toothache - and that's even after having 3 kids I am saying that!! xx
Well, I woke up this morning and the pain was gone :confused:
So it's all good :) sadly the pain started to go away in the evening, at which point I stuffed my face to make myself feel better :rolleyes: but I kinda saw that one coming!

Went to the OCD support group today, I have a challenge - I have to set the table on a Sunday and put one of the spoons the wrong way up :eek:
(I have a thing about perfection too - lining things up etc.)

It was really good, it's nice hearing other people's stories - one of the ladies has a real problem with dirt, and she's letting her kids have a pet soon :eek: only a fish, mind, but still, I'm really impressed. Kinda makes you think 'If they can do it, I can too :)'

Aw hunny...I didn't know you have OCD, what a challenge but if there's anyone who can conquer it it's you! Look how well you've done with your weight loss and simply apply the same principles! x Best of luck with the OCD homework x
Hah, yeah, overcoming OCD looks like it'll be easier than losing weight and maintaining it :)

Well, over the past few days I have fallen off the wagon (into a puddle of melted chocolate... mmmmm chocolate.....) LOL.

Need some motivation to stop eating crap! :p
I thought seeing 10:3 on the scales would do it, but evidently not :eek:

I might have to dig out an old picture to scare myself with every time I want to eat chocolate :p I may have to do the Paul McK thing when I'm craving it too.

OK, so, plan! I'm going to do Core:

1. Eat breakfast every day, and if I don't, I DON'T get a late night bowl of cereal :rolleyes:
2. Stop going to Mcdonalds for lunch, unless I'm getting a salad and NO Mcflurry.
3. Only snack on fruit/salad other than mealtimes.
4. Not to eat chocolate for a week.
5. Not to go shopping for crap food. I went to the shops the other day with the thought in my head - 'what can I get that's cheap and unhealthy' :rolleyes:
6. To stop not doing things because I 'can't be a**ed', or at least not as much.

Hmm, anything else?

I hope so :p

I seem to be able to get the first day over with fine, and then I think 'ah, what's the point' and stuff my face :rolleyes:

I can't drink Diet coke at the moment as it was what set off my toothache and I do NOT want to go through that again!

Oooh, new rule.

7. Drink at least 1L of non-carbonated drinks every day.

I think I may print these off and stick them on my wall - it worked for my further maths revision :p

Do you want to be back at 9st? it might just be that your head has not caught up with your body and is trying to take you back to where you are comfortable???? xx