OK, so I made a list of reasons to give up chocolate etc, and a list of things to do/how I'm going to make it work. I've decided to give up sugary food in general - the stuff that I binge on. I'm probably going to end up replacing it with other snacky food, but I'm fine with that for now.
So - why am I giving it up?
1. Stabilise my blood sugar - hasn't been to bad recently, but I do occasionally get noticeably low blood sugar, and the up/downs caused by sugar can't be doing me any good.
2. Weight - I will never be comfortable with my body at this size. I'll be happy if I get into my favourite jeans again, but I'll settle for being a 10-12 ish.
3. Money - I spent £15 today on snacky foods, without batting an eyelid

I know that snacking in general dents my bank balance significantly so I could do without it.
4. Teeth - I've been getting toothache recently when I eat (anything at all

but particularly with sugary foods) and I know that sugary foods are the reason my teeth are in such bad condition.
5. Mental health - I think getting rid of the ups and downs will help with my moods.
6. Sleep - I struggle to sleep at night simply because I eat a lot late at night (it's currently 7am and I haven't slept

7. To be able to enjoy my time with Jon more, instead of thinking about when I can next get some chocolate. I'm still appalled by this one, it really shames me. With my ex, I used to occasionally 'receive' a text from my mum telling me to go home early so that I could get back before the shop closed :cry:
How am I going to give it up?
1. At midnight tonight, any unopened chocolate is going to my friend, and any opened stuff is going in the kitchen bin.
2. I learnt EFT (the tapping thing PMcK did on the TV program, but I learnt it a little bit better than that from a counsellor

) so I'll use that if I'm craving chocolate. Apparently it works REALLY well on pretty much everything - including chocolate addiction.
3. I still need a proper good chat with Jon about the whole thing. I'm not sure entirely when this will happen - it may be in a week or two when I can talk less ashamedly about it because I'll have given it up.
4. I NEED to (nay, I WILL) not touch the stuff (not even a nibble) for 2 weeks. I'll re-evaluate after a fortnight and see if I feel confident enough to re-introduce it in tiny quantities.
5. I have munchy food in the fridge which I can have if I need to. I'm going to try and up my magnesium intake a bit which might help. I'm not really a fan of nuts/seeds/spinach though, so not sure how well that will go!
All in all not a bad plan I don't think. I think I might give up bread as well

since I don't find that difficult and it would probably do me some good.
Wish me luck