Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

Well done Jenni - that seems like a great plan - and a very mature approach to the whole chocolate thing.

I did feel a twinge when i read the last point you made - and i recognise myself in that one....very honest of you - and that's the main thing. xx

I think I need to be honest about it all, get it all out of my system, that's what the chat with Jon is for :) we've been talking about it for a few weeks now - I finally opened up about it when rather inebriated after a night out :p (that's when our most open chats tend to be!)

He was round last weekend and I was talking about it, and said that I knew I'd binge when he left. He asked me how I felt about that - I couldn't bring myself to say it, then he sad 'you're looking forward to it aren't you?' and I just burst into tears, because it's true. I know I shouldn't enjoy it, and I wanted to say that I didn't want to do it, but it would've been a lie :(

Lots of things to talk about!
Hi Jenni
hope you dont mind a new visitor
I put magnesium into a search and up came you post

I too think I need more magnesium so have looked for a list of foods
for me it is easier as I do like spinach

here is a site that may be of use to you
Magnesium Food Sources

good luck with giving up chocolate :):) I did it and didnt eat any for a month (that was a couple of years ago) I can now take it or leave it

when I started back on chocolate I bought the best dark chocolate I could and put three small squares into foil and kept it in the freezer
that way it took longer to melt and lasted longer and it also limited the amount I could see in one go

H xx

Of course not :D Hi! :)
I actually haven't tried spinach in a long time though, so I may try it again. It may well be something I can endure for reduced cravings (I'd imagine pretty much anything would be :D) so if EFT doesn't work I may give spinach a try, or if I need an extra boost.

Thanks for the advice on chocolate. I'd love to get to a 'take it or leave it' situation, that would be like a dream for me :D would you say a month was long enough for you?
a month was long enough but I mean NO chocolate
no choc yoghurts no choc desserts of any kind no hot chocolate - get the picture I went cold turkey and did a full month without any
after week three I took a trip down the chocolate isle in the super market - when I realised I was not drooling I realised I had it cracked
now I have chocolate once a week if that christmas was different I ate more then
but I am now back to my take it or leave it
had none for a couple of weeks not even hot chocolate and today I made some choc chip muffins for my daughter - and I made a mini one for me - which I really enjoyed but I dont want or need more

really hope you can do it :):)
I hope so too :D the only problem is that right now I can't fathom not wanting it so it's difficult to aim for! I get it about not having ANYTHING chocolate related - I'm wondering what on earth to do with my chocolate spread! I have flatmates that can take it off my hands if need be though :D

I'm also giving up sweets - I'm wary of just replacing chocolate with cola bottles or something - I binge on sugary food, not just chocolate, so I'm hoping that switching to savoury will mean I eat less. Might mean I give up alcopops as well, when I go out - stick to beer.
get rid of all the chocolate before your start date
talk to your flat mates and ask them to hide their chocolate from you and not eat it in your presence
you can of course freeze your chocolate spread - should be difficult to eat that way :):)

get rid of it all and be prepared to start
when I gave it up I got a note book and kept writing down each time I had a craving how I felt
I then worked out the hours and mins it had been - then converted that into mins only then sad as I am into seconds
so by the end of day one you have clocked up 86400 seconds now that sounds so much and of course you can do 10 more cant you :):0 and ten more etc etc
in no time you will have found a week has gone by

and if all else fails you can BUY your self some BUT keep it in the freezer and it takes longer to eat - so less likely to turn into a binge

good luck - its not easy but it truely is doable :):)
and just think if you can do this you can do ANYTHING

H xx
Ive found i hardly ever eat actual chocolate anymore, its just too high in points for me and i just have ww puds/angel delight instead etc. I wanted to give up chocolate as a new years resloution as it actually makes me ill but ive not done so yet. Slowly but surely seems to be working for me rather than cold turkey but ive done that once before, after the first week of being a moody ***** and craving like hell you kind of forget about it and forget you've not had any chocolate.
Id it me or do you really crave this chocolate and then when you have it its a bit dissapointing? I find that. Its never as great as you think.
Katie, my brain switches off when I eat chcoolate - I'm just putting it in my mouth then chewing then swallowing, I'm not really enjoying it or thinking about it tbh - so it does tend to be pretty disappointing.

Aaleigha, thanks for the tips :) I was thinking about writing a journal sorta thing. Don't have any pretty notebooks at the moment though, maybe I should go and buy one tomorrow :D
I'm a numbers person, so counting in seconds will be interesting :rotflmao: I've used the 'wait 10 mins' before and it tends to work pretty well :)
Well I think admitting to counting in seconds proves one of two things
a) I am really sad
b) I was truely desperate

the answer no matter what anyone tells you is B

not only buy a nice note book but a money box too
then into the money box can go all the money you have not spent each day - you must have some idea as to how much you spend

then when you think you have cracked it put all that money to something you really want
a new bag
it needs to be something you REALLY want and not something that will be used up
so every time you look at it you will remember how you earnt it and what you were able to achieve

if you feel yourself cracking pm me BEFORE you do - I might not be here but it is something to distract you :):)

best of luck
are you starting tomorrow

H xx
Well, I just bought some new boots :eek: I'll save them until I've gotten past 2 weeks. They'll be there to motivate me too :D as will my size 10 jeans :D

Thanks for the offer. I may have to take you up on it at 3am :rotflmao:

I'm going to try and go swimming once/twice a week too.
So far so good :D Though I am munching on a cheesestring :p

Wait til tomorrow evening, then I'll be flooding your inbox :rotflmao:
I'm fairly certain I have a solid enough support network to do this, just needing willpower.

I opened my jar of chocolate spread so I could sniff it to do EFT, and after I did it a few times the smell was making me a bit nauseous :D

I showed Jon my big post, and he said something along the lines of 'wow. So you really are serious about it then?' :) I know he's always on my side - no matter how stupid he thinks what I'm doing is :rotflmao: - which is good.

I need to buy a notebook tomorrow!
make it as pretty as you can
and cheese strings are good :):)
my downfall became salt and vinegar crisps - so vary your savoury treats

have a great day :):)
Yeah, I have some crisps but I'm going to limit them to one a day. Mccoys though :drool:

Well, I have survived almost 8 hours! And I'm going to have a loooooong sleep tonight (I woke up at 5pm yesterday - Sunday - so the all nighter is to reset my sleep patterns. This happens far too often! :p)

I'd get a paperchase notebook but I don't think I'll be able to get there today, and there certainly isn't one within walking distance. I'll have to see what they have in the uni shop :p
Actually at the moment, I could take or leave chocolate. I'll put that down to my EFT last night, and if I feel the need to have chocolate again then I'll do it again. :)

I'm still thinking about it though - though that might be because I'm trying to work out if I want it or not :D
Morning - you are up with the lark - I thought students lazed around all day :p

I suppose when taste and smell are so closely related that sniffing something would maybe trick our brain into thinking we had eaten it and we would get "full".....must remember that when I start to re-introduce carbs.

I also had a thought the other day - I know, scary. That if sugar brought me out in really big sores all over my face, I would soon continue to stop eating it.....and it does bring me out in big lumps - on my belly mainly - so why isn't that enough?

Good luck on another choc free day. xx
Thanks for all your posts :D

Aaleigha, sadly I mean one packet per day. I'm currently having my packet for the day simply because I am - get this - hungry! :eek: New sensation for me :p:

Jess - At the moment it is pretty easy, I haven't had any real cravings and if I try and think about the smell/taste then I'm indifferent - good stuff this EFT :D
Hungry is good - very very good
so come on them how many hours has it been
how many minutes and how many seconds

that will keep you busy for a bit

ps calculators NOT allowed
Hahaha, oooh no! :p

17 hours, or 1030 minutes.
Had to use a calculator for this one: 61800 seconds!

Worked out at 5:10 :)