It's been 165 hours

go me!
I haven't touched chocolate. I've forgotten what it tastes like

I can still remember the texture of galaxy though
I've had a good chat with Jon this weekend and I think I've come to a sensible conclusion, and that is to allow myself the odd bit after next weekend - i.e. have a cookie
after a meal, or have something if it's offered, etc. But I'm not going to go out to buy chocolate to eat by itself -
never ever. I'll probably try to stop myself from 'munching' while busy (i.e. popcorn at the cinema or crisps while on the computer.)
I'm going to try at stick to meals - little or no snacking in between. Yesterday I had a pasta and sauce thing, and then I had duck pancakes, and besides drinks that was all I had, and I was perfectly fine. I was surprised! I eat so much more than that normally. I've been starting to eat almost only when I'm hungry (I think I have Jon to partially thank for that this weekend too.)
All in all I think it's going very well.

My teeth have vastly improved over the past week - when I talked to Jon he asked me what my motivation was to give it up, and I think I actually surprised myself when I realised that my main trigger was the toothache it was giving me. Obviously I've been wanting to do this for weight/health reasons, but actually it was the toothache that made me do it!
Here's to another week, anyway.

I've surprised myself I think. I don't think I've quite gotten rid of the addiction yet, but that'll go eventually.