Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

Definitely a step in the right direction my love. Hope you have a great day tomorrow. xxx
Update time I think! Had a lovely relaxing weekend in London, no nights out this weekend.

Well, I still haven't eaten chocolate by itself - though I have a few tubes of smarties which are tempting me so I've put them in my drawer! I'm pretty impressed that that's all it takes to stop me from eating them though.

I'm going to make a concerted effort to eat more fruit and veg this week I think - going to aim for 17 portions per week, I'll keep a tally on here. I do love my veg, just never seem to bother (though why I don't I'm not sure, since it takes almost no effort!)

Going to try and keep snacks to being fruit or veg too (just munched through a very satisfying tin of pineapple - really hit the sweet spot!).
do you have access to a freezer - when I NEED chocolate I buy some and keep it in the freezer - that way it takes longer to melt in the mouth and is even more gorgeous and of course it is well out of the way and I am not temped by it - havent had chocolate myself for ages and ages :)
Quick update. Don't really use this place any more as I'm not 'dieting'.

I'm actually calorie counting now. Just counting, no restricting. It's very very strange though as I find myself wanting to eat less anyway - I'm naturally starting to just eat at mealtimes, and I've started swapping fruit for chocolate - particularly pineapple as it's really sweet and I love it. I still have zero patience when I'm hungry though! When I'm hungry I want to eat NOW. :p

I occasionally crave chocolate - yesterday I had a WHOLE creme egg - how decadent of me! ;) I haven't been comfort eating either. So far I've averaged 1300 calories per day (over 8 days) and my jeans are already looser :eek:

Since I gave up chocolate I think it's done me a world of good. I had a week of comfort eating savoury foods, but then I pretty much stopped, and now I don't do it at all! I've had two 'binges' (while getting a piece of coursework done) and they were maybe 1000 calories each, not the 2000-3000 I usually had!

So, as I said - not going to be around much. The whole 'dieting' mentality has done my weight no good and my body image a WHOLE lot of bad so I'm trying to avoid it at all costs, just making healthy choices instead. Of course I'll be back to celebrate when I reach a milestone or something :D but not as a diary. :)
great news I did wonder where you got too
when you do come back to celebrate post on my diary so I can find it - just in case I miss you - would hate to miss a reason to celebrate :):):)
Well done on your calories counting glad to hear the jeans are already getting loose that fabulous! Keep up the good work and keep us up to date with how you are getting on. I hope you have a good weekend my dear. xxx
Just thought I'd drop by to say that I saw a 10 on the scales today! :D (And no, it wasn't 11st 10 :p)

Just back for an update. I've been on an almighty binge for the past few weeks - literally, if I wasn't full then I was stuffing my face with whatever I could find. :eek:: Oh dear!

I've been diagnosed with something on the depression/anxiety spectrum (somewhere) so I'm now on antidepressants. It's been a LONG time coming, I was too terrified to admit to myself that it wasn't going to just go away.
I have noticed a MASSIVE improvement in my sleeping, motivation, mood and lots of other things - they've done me an absolute world of good. They've also improved my body image - while I accept I'm not thin, I also (for once :eek:) accept that I'm not a horrifically overweight monster... :eek:

Unfortunately I think it's actually had a negative impact on my eating :eek: but hey ho. I'm not going to use it as an excuse!

So I gave up chocolate this afternoon, again. :p And again, I'll do it for a few weeks until it gets too inconvenient :p

So, it's been almost 10 hours! I'm not even craving it right now. The last sugary thing I ate was some very disappointing chocolate cake, so I'm probably still just indifferent from that :p

Ah well. I shall be back! To update every now and again. :)
Trust me, I look worse than I have done in the past few years :p but I feel better about myself. Ah well.

Almost 22 hours :p This is easy!
Hello you
long time no see
I too am on ad's and have been for years - I have come off them some times but crash so I am back on them
they make a huge difference to how I feel about me - but they make dieting really hard with me I have to diet to stand still
so now I am doing Cambridge so not real chocolate for me either
dont count the hours count the seconds you are getting lazy :):)
remember that target of the first million - you can SO do that again

H xx
I certainly can :hug99:

It's now been 28 hours (nearly 29), or 1723 minutes, or 103380 seconds! Blimey, I'm already 1/10th of the way there :D

Jon's being all stressed because he's got a coursework deadline which isn't helping :mad: but I shan't let it get to me :p
I know you wont - not now those seconds are building up
it sounds so sill until you do it and you get a figure you REALLY dont want to set back to zero

tell him good luck with the deadline
and to breathe :):)
68 and a half hours, or 4110 minutes, or 246600 seconds - they're piling up already! I'm almost a quarter of the way there and it's been a breeze! Now why didn't I do this two weeks ago :rolleyes:

I'm going to make Jon promise me that if I start binging again then he's going to make me give up chocolate again :p
Hi Jenni. Good to see you're still on here. Are you really giving up chocolate? I never thought I'd see the day ;)

Glad to hear you have got a diagnosis and are getting some help from the meds. I've just had mine changed again and hoping to actually be conscious some of the time on the new ones! Going back to work part time on Monday (bit nervous about it) and getting my Disabled Students Allowance in place to help with my PhD.

Hope your studies are still going well x
I literally accidentally had an ice cream yesterday... I ordered it with my meal and only remembered halfway through that I'd given up chocolate/sugar! :rolleyes: Soooo, back to square 1. Sigh.
Since I did I've been craaaaaving a binge really badly, but I'm resisting. :D

Going to say restart as of tonight, that way I might remember what day I started on :D even though I haven't had anything besides diet coke since yesterday's lunch.