Well done Jenni. Sounding like you are on top of this. I think if you are consciously choosing various foods and eating when you are hungry then you can't go far wrong.
Well I look at it like this - she may be a student and on a budget - but she used to afford all the chocolate so if you just put the value of that in a jar - you will soon have enough for a decent pressie of HER choice - not something anyone else chooses for her
mine I would probably buy shoes or a bag or sliver jewellery or maybe even an extravagant watch
I got them as the sole on my old ones has worn through and I end up with wet feet when I wear them! I got these ones specifically cause they have a thick sole and they're quite sturdy (I should hope so for £75!)
I'm going to France on Friday so I'll go shopping then. Actually, I could do with a new handbag as mine's getting a bit old. Not bad for €15 though, it's been carrying my laptop around since September
see a new bag for free
those boots look like they wont collapse to one side either - look much more supportive for the feet
heres hoping they arrive tomorrow (well today now)
My old ones were alright - they didn't collapse like the primark ones do! They were real suede as well just that the soles weren't great. I think I must drag my feet a lot when I'm walking or something
I'll look forward to my free bag (on my almost-free trip to France too )
In other news, it's been 193.5 hours, or 696600 seconds
shame you didnt put 1p away for each second - or con someone into doing that for you - that is such a great amount of time - the worst must surely be over - be good to get to 1 mill before you try to reintroduce chocolate
just to say you did it
I'll be at 1000000 seconds before I have chocolate again, yeah. I'm only interested in reintroducing chocolate so I can have my CD shakes that I have left over! Doesn't that make a change.
I finished off my bottle of coke today - oops - but to be fair I didn't get all the way though the bottle, threw some out. And that's it for the rest of the week I'm going to make it to at least Friday without anything sugary. I might get some forced down me when I go to France with my mum but it's bought for me, so it's got no calories, right?
I'm up to 235 hours now almost 236. It's 848400 seconds! Nearing that 1m mark
I'm finding it easy really now. I'm starting to eat when I'm hungry rather than cause I'm bored or whatever, I'm even starting to resist comfort eating which is very for me. I'm really amazed at how well I've done
I've also managed not to spend any money on food so far this week. Hopefully it'll continue
They haven't yet! I'm going away tomorrow so if they don't arrive then, it'll be after the weekend!
After that it'll have been 3 weeks, so if they haven't arrived by Monday I'll go in the office and check. You watch, I bet they turned up last week
Well, the 1000000 mark is on Friday afternoon, so I'll be shopping around that time that makes up for it, right?
remember to buy yourself a treat when you are shopping just something to keep so you can remember you did it - a little silver bracelet or something so you can keep it on as a reminder
great idea about the bracelet and you have really made a great achievement! You look awesome in your pictures, i hope i can do as well. Do you do alot of excercise??
I am astounding myself pretty much daily at the moment it seems
I managed to avoid drunken munchies last night! (Well, I had some prawns, but I was craving custard creams)
Go me! I think I've got the hang of this.
I can't tell if I've lost any weight yet, but then apart from the low sugar I haven't made any attempt to control my eating, so I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't. I'll find out in 2 weeks time when I go home though I hope I've lost a few lbs at least!
It should be easier to diet now, though I may just try core or something. Or just generally eating a bit less.