I have an empty stomach
it keeps rumbling
Me and my sister have agreed that we're not staying for the meeting since neither of us have eaten much today
I have no more ASDA diet coke!
All I have left is rubbish Sainsbury's coke
But I'm going to cadets tonight, so that will involve the customary trip to ASDA afterwards
So, national disaster averted
I have 6 points left (have already accounted for dinner)
So maybe I could have some real chocolate
Or, I could have 6 WW brownies
Or 12 WW cookies!
Well, which would you choose?
I'm leaving them until after cadets, because my friend will no doubt try to persuade me to eat some rubbish
last week it was hotdogs, no idea what it'll be this week.
It's all the stuff I used to LOVE eating (in vast quantities
) but I was good last week
She kept saying 'you KNOW you want it', which I DID, but is it worth it? 2.5 points for one hotdog? Nahhh.
Because I know I couldn't eat 'just one', it would be the whole jar, which is 15 points
I felt very proud for saying no