Hello, I have been naughty. I went out last night, it wasnt planned but I thought that I'd just have diet coke but I gave in to peer pressure

an ended up drinking 3 double baileys, 2 or 3 archers and diet coke and some vodka. then on the way home got a kebab, when I got in I only managed about a third of the kebab and then had a snickers bar. I had a really good night apart from falling off the Dukan wagon, but its not the end of the world. AF arrived today and I retain water leading up to it and until its gone. weighed myself this morning and I was the same weight as yesterday 12st 0. Really happy with that as I was considering hangover food, I wasnt hungover just a little fuzzy headed maybe.
So to make up for my night off, today I have done 2 hours of Aikido, been swimming with the kids, and later I'm going to aquafit and the sauna, also I have eaten really well today, pp day to make up for yesterday

all in all I'm not feeling too bad about 'cheating'.
just thought that I'm going out next weekend 2, thats 3 weekends in a row out drinking and eating, I hardly ever usually go out, apart from work, gym, kids stuff etc.
Hope you are all enjoying your day x x