I caved and I had a pizza... Lets leave it at that.... There were no points on the box, so I'm taking it as zero points, and anyone wants to argue with me does so at their own risk. YES! THAT'S RIGHT! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's PSYCHO JENNY TIME!!!! hah. Not resorting to chocolate though, although I did have a creme egg earlier, which explains my barrage of information when a mystery person asked creme egg pointage, and got discover points, propoints, syns, calories...
Remember not so long ago, I got head-hunted for a position in the finance department of my old company, then they f**ked me over? And I went a bit unhappy for a while? Well.... they did it again, only this time I was expecting it and I don't feel down about it, I don't feel so stupid.
And AND! I have booked the birdy flying lessons for the 11th March, and I am so so looking forward to it! Got that, and my jewellery class, and then my massage... Feeling much less itchy today again, should be MAYBE back to normal in I think 2 days... maybe 3...

Cannot wait!
Oops - It was 50pp that pizza. It was yummy though. Probably shouldnt have troughed the lot but it is out of my system now.
Incidentally, time for something pink & fluffy, cos he hasn't had much of a mention lately...
From: Jenny
Sent: 28 February 2011 22:16
To: Biker Boy
Subject: Review of February
It was rubbish, I think. Granted it had it's moments, but in the main, not a great month. Hmm.
So March will be better.
I will not let it suck hairy monkey balls.
Are you with me?
From: Biker Boy
To: Jenny
Subject: RE: Review of February
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 23:21 +0000
And on that note, I leave you with sick-buckets, and bid you all a good evening....x
I'll be back with a new diet plan tomorrow.... Oh dear..!