WE HAVE NEARLY DONE BREAD MONTHHH! HAAAAHHHAAAAHHHAAA!!!!! now gimme that crisp sandwich... oh no wait... ive only gone and give up crisps for march hahaha!

im a fool... best be a chip butty quickly before 9th and they get shoved out the window too with potato products for lent... prepare for an ever moodier Lou for March and April

hehehe hope your weeks started off good! xxxxxx
You're nuts & I heart you!!
No crisps, spuds, etc?! Crazy Lady!
But yes! We have NEARLY done breadban! It ain't actually that tough, I have had maybe two incidences where I thought "I could go for a bacon butty" but it hasn't been so bad I wanted to cry yet!! haha!! x
My niece, we THINK, is allergic to tomato ketchup... The things we take for granted, hey?
KETCHUP!?? Poor kiddie, that's awful. Maybe it's the e-numbers or something in it, that must be really tough for a kid though, ketchup is on
Hi Jen, thought I’d finally come visit you in your own diary as we’re always bumping into each other on other peoples!
Hope you get on OK at the docs. What is it with Doctors receptionists?! Drives me mad. Every time I call for an appointment they ask
“Are you sure you need to see the Doctor?”
Well, I wouldn’t be phoning otherwise would I?!
then its;
“and can I ask why you’re coming to see him?”
Errr. No you bloomin can’t. Do you have a medical degree? Is it any of your business? Honestly. Nightmare.
As for menfolk...I’m lucky enough to have a touchy feely bloke but can relate to BB’s inability to express emotion openly without having palpatations. I once told a boyfriend I loved him for the first time and his reaction was to stare at me, wide eyed in horror, mumble ‘well, that’s nice’ and leave very quickly. I still cringe now when I think about it and it was years ago.
Men. They’re even worse than Doctors receptionists.

Welcome welcome welcome
Last week, when I phoned up during the initial "oops I ate goats cheese what do I dooooo", the same receptionist asked if I was in anaphalactic shock (erm, wouldn't I be slightly more DYING if I was??) and then told me to leave it a couple of days and then call if I was still suffering...
Hahaha I vividly remember the first time I told Biker I loved him. I have typical bloke mentality when it comes to the L word. I burst into tears when I was drunk, he asked what was wrong and I pretty much shouted that I had fallen in love with him so we had to stop seeing each other cos he didn't love me back... :| I then ran off (well stumbled off) and hid in the bathroom, and he was talking to me through the door and said that he loved me too and he wasn't going anywhere...
We haven't actually verbally declared that we love each other since. That was january 2010........!
I hope you're feeling a bit better xxx
Your docs text?! Our surgery has one of those dial-a-ring phones, you know what I mean.. the one like they have in Heartbeat.... I really do live in the back of beyond....!!
Jenny? Atkins? But, but, but, but thats like taking away everything you eat... No?
Pretty much!!!! Hey Nik
:8855:Sorry for laughing at your misfortune Jen, but it just had to be done
There are ways of going low carb without going as drastic as Atkins, sw red days may be ok but you'd have to be careful about the fruit and starchy veg intake. You could always stay on ww and just low carb your own way. Its giving you plenty to think about anyway.
I've come to the conclusion that carbs dont like me too and am low carbing myself, its ok so far
It is something else to think about... I'll give it that.
Glad that low-carbing is working. I'm not sure really if I could cut them to be honest. I mean, I was vegetarian, I was brought up to base meals on carbs....
I think I need a bit of diet-space.....
Ah I don't know Jen - I think it might be a good thing the Doc recommending Atkins. Because you'll have to stick with a plan but you won't be doing it 'to lose weight' you'll be doing it because the doctor said so. Which might make it easier? I dunno, just a thought!
That does make sense.........
Yeap a steak for your meat, a steak for your chips, and a steak for your peas
Mmmmmmmmm steak........
Update on the itchiness - I feel a million times better already. I treated myself to new hair dye. Since the skin problem I have means that I can't swim for a fortnight, I suppose I can do my hair!
I don't really know what to do about diets. While I am concentrating on getting this skin thing sorted, I'll keep pointing. But longer term, yes low-carb could be good. Whether through SW Red Days, or a proper low carb plan, I don't know. I don't have to decide right this second. I need to concentrate on one thing at a time and that's me skin just now!!
Plus - I'm off to the chinese on Friday, how can I do chinese without noodles
So touched by the support I have received here, you are all amazing female characters, <3 you all xx