Jenny's moved on :)

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Well when I'd said skirt, it was a full length one, haha bit yes, I coped :)

Biker's best mate announced yesterday that he's going to be a dad. During the text convo I had with biker, I said "does it scare you all this talk of weddings and babies recently?"..... immediately regretted it, his reply was quick (thankfully, or I would have gone nuts!) "not in the slightest :) x "
I don't know how to read that, and subsequently feel stupid! I'm building up to asking about The Future. Maybe anyway..

I'm a right moody cow at the moment. Every sentence I start writing is a whinge or a b.tch. I don't want to be like that! x
Well done on the 2lb loss! And the wearing of the skirt - the weather was so nice here yesterday and I fancied getting me pins out!

Oh, the Future talk - I still find it scary chatting to Rob about it, however many years on!

Have a lovely day xxx
OH MY GOD THAT WOMAN! I just bumped into Mother in the hallway after I'd got out the shower and she saw the red rashy bits on my arms....
"ooh you have come up in a bit if a state, I thought you were making it up"

Firstly, why the hell would I bother?!
Its clearly part of this allergy..... haha
I think its just cos his mates having one. I don't actually want a baby, just the cute small shoes.........

It'll soon pass ;-)

(realistically, there will be no baby, I have no home and no job security lol)
I'm trying to keep myself to myself, in the grounds that I am a complete b.tch at the moment.
If I'm not considerably better by Tuesday, I'm going back to the docs.
Because I'm feeling sorry for myself too, I've been stuffing my face. F.ckin idiot.
Not happy with myself!

Roll on March, think we can safely call Feb a write off...
Hello Minimins peoples!
I dunno what has happened but I appear to be in a good mood...?

Breakfast - 6 crackerbread, 60g chicken pate. Banana.
Lunch - ?
Tea - chicken & veg.

And I'm trying to keep snacks to a minimum.

I think today, I'm going to go for a walk in the woods, see if I can find some of those sculptures again!

Have a good Sunday!
Evenin Kals, Evenin V :)

I saw no bears. I did see a few deer though, one of which came bounding right up across the path in front of me, stopped, stared, and then bounced off back into the woods. It was pretty funny :)

I've had a low carb day - I had ryvita for breakfast, but then went on to have 26 points of chicken all day... :|
I have had my last day of overeatting and feeling sorry for myself. That's it now, time to grow up. Please. :) x
heya hun! i do hope your alright sucks about the low carbs but in long run be worth it for your sake with all this ichyness! how are you feeling now?

Everyone had low days and weeks so try not to let it get to you too much :) in the end you know you'll be right back at it so might as well get it out your system especially if your not well also! only one more day to get through then im hitting that pizza!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM :D haha now to decide which one to get... may even go for a whole pizza express one for me hahahaa :p but need to be good hmmm what other low whole pizza's are there? :p even if it's a tiny one like tesco own? :D woo bring it on ! stay cheery hun xxxx
I'm going for a pizza express Sloppy Giuseppe I think :) yummy!

Aye, I'm definitely cutting back on the carbs in general, definitely the sugar too.

I'm thinking March will be no biscuits or cakes....?

Oh! I feel much less itchy, but its still there a bit. Saw Biker for half hour after the meal on Friday, I miss him x
Thanks Hannah :D
Today I decided just to be sensible, and while my tummy is maybe starting to have a bit of a rumble, I don't want to stuff my face!
I think this week I'll try listening to my head and tummy and see what plans they come up with. I don't know why I am obsessed with following a plan that someone who doesn't know me or my lifestyle, has written.

Today, I have so far, had:
Mushrooms & 2 slices of Bacon.
A tin of tuna with tomatoes, peppers and 60g pasta.
An Apple and a banana.

This is 12 pp. Or all free on SW EE. Tea is hunters chicken with veg and potatoes.
So we're at 5 syns, or 23 pp. And well under 1500 cals.

I quite fancy some cake, but not enough to eat it...

That's rare x

Hope the listening to head and tummy is proving a good plan Jen. I find it works well until what my heads wants over rules what my tum wants. It is all about finding a way that works for you though not as easy as it sounds though eh?

Have a lovely hunters chicken, never tried it myself not too sure how to cook it either. Hope the head and tum are well happy this evening x
Jenny's Last Thought for the night...
This breadban really hasn't been that tough.
I don't even REALLY want a pizza tomorrow night. I think I might not bother....

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