Thank you

My throat feels like I have been gargling razorblades but other than that, I think I am on the mend! My legs have well n truly recovered from the walking at the weekend now. Hurrah!
I have had a peak on the scales today, and of the 4lbs I gained over the weekend [260] I am now back down 2lbs [258] - A step in the right direction.!
I am, however, in a terrible mood. I want to shout and scream at Biker Boy for being a selfish **** [use whatever 4 letter word you want there, I don't care...] I bend over backwards to look after him when he's ill, and what do I get, an effin text at half 10 last night "feel better tomorrow.x" I text him this morning and said I wasn't going to work because I felt like I was dying [ie don't email me at work, cos I'm not there] and
NOTHING. God damn bloody men. I could scream... if I hadn't lost my voice
And dad got up this morning when I was already in the living room, said "oh your off again today, are you". and went a made a coffee and didn't offer me one. W@nker. I think I'm just pee'd off with being ill. I feel horrendously fat and ugly and useless and unaccomplished in life and just generally sorry for myself at the moment. How do you magically get better? I cannot cope with illness at all, I am a complete baby. Which is why I am nice to everyone else when they are ill, and it pisses me right off that I don't even get an offer of a cuddle when it's my bloody turn!! I don't get sick pay either so for the next couple of weeks, I am going to be skint. Which means relying on
him to take control of life and do stuff. Which won't happen. So a couple of weeks of nothingness. OH THE JOYS.
There is no icecream, chocolate, eggs, bread, no nothing in this house. And I am not spending 20 minutes in the freezing cold de-icing my car to drive a 40 mile round trip to get food when I can barely stand straight.
Breakfast - Cereal. Bad choice. I left it to go soggy though, and it was edible

Lunch - I fancy carbonara. Why not

Tea - mince + tatties of some sort [6.5]
If by some miracle anyone local decides to be nice, the rest of my points will be blown on chocolate. or icecream. However, chances of this are slim to none, so I'll be having soup. Lots of soup. And more soup. :sigh:
HAVE A GOOD, CHEERFUL DAY PEOPLE! I'm going back to bed to watch as much of the Bad Girls series as I can. I have all 8 boxsets, it's great trash TV
big germy hugs n kisses to you all
