Jenny's moved on :)

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Welcome to Day One then Jen. Sounds good to me - signing up to the tracker is probably a good step, it'll boost your motivation again.

Is it ok to say I think BB is being a teensy bit selfish about the KFC? It's not very fair for you - temptation is all around at the best of times, without one of the main people you rely on to support you shoving it in your face as well. I'm not sure where the logic is in getting cross with someone because they won't eat greasy food - however, this indicates that this is simply a 'man strop' which will hopefully calm down after a couple of hours! You are v nice g/f getting him a creme egg as well!

Sandwiches.....cottage cheese (if you can bear it?!), extra light philly, marmite, turkey ham? (not all together obviously!)

Hope you have a great day :)
Well here's to day one and to signing up with the online tracker hope its a big help for you hun :D
Have to say I know what it feels like when the rumour mill starts going into action, having had the same thing the year before last and finally in January last year was made redundant after 10 years at the company, it was the most worrying thing i've been through for a time but thankfully wasn't out of full time work for very long, so in the end worked out like having small very well paid holiday, these things do happen for a reason and they are something that is out of our control but never the less still worrying at the time.
Have to say I usually love any film that Leo is in but Shutter Island was the biggest pile of dodah i've seen so far this year
Well done on resisting KFC under pressure!

My fav sammich is egg and salad cream mushed up (not mayo.. mayo is for chips, not eggs! :p)
That is exactly what I have had tonight Jess! You are amazing! It has to be salad cream! I did it with toast though not just bread, just to add a bit of crunch! Sometimes I add a teeny tiny bit of tomato puree just to give it a bit of a zing

Whoooo! Another fan :D I will try that. I love having it while the egg is still a bit warm, mmm.
YUm, also a fan of the old egg in a cup with salad creme, fancy tryin with the tom puree too...!
I dont think I have ever had egg and salad cream... That could be on the cards for breakfast tomorrow.!

A friend of mine is getting a divorce. She text me last night and it's made me feel really sad. She said she didn't really want to talk about it, which is understandable, so I don't know yet whether it's amicable, or he's walked out, or her decision or what... I don't want to pry, so I just said to her that I was shocked to hear that, and you're probably fed up with people asking if you're ok, so I'm not asking but you know where I am if you need an ear.
It's made me all stupid and soppy!

My family quite often have german food in the house, my parents spent time in Germany before I came along and dad likes to reminisc. And today, I really want bratty and chips, but I stuck bratwurst in the tracker thing and it said 5 points... 5 flipping points for one sausage..! That'll have to happen on a zero-point soup day I think.!

And my colleague is on a diet, well a "healthy eating plan" which started on Monday and she's desperate to lose a stone in a month... She's so far had 3 cappuccinos out the machine at work, and is pleased to say she has cheese and pepperoni croissants [yes plural] for her lunch... and a heap of chocolate digestives. No wonder I struggle at work.. But I have motivated myself fully today!

Breakfast - Purple Special K [3.5]
Lunch - Tomato and vegetable cous cous & 2 slices of bread [6]
Dinner - Leftover green curry with noodles [8]
Snacks - Minty Options [0.5] Fromage Frais when I get home [1] Maltesers [4]

This leaves me with 4 to play with, and I have a trip to the supermarket planned tonight to stock up on fruit and salady stuff.

I have a bit of a strange week this week - Today is pretty normal, tomorrow I think I will go to the boy's again. Thursday I am out with a friend and her kids for chinese and crazy golf! And Friday, I am taking my dad out. We're going to see the Hairy Bikers and then going for supper. Dad really wants to go for a pizza, so we're at Pizza Express, and I'm already decided on a pepperoni one. It's 15 points but I'm already drooling at the thought of it!

I just had maltesers and they were quite possibly the nicest that they have ever been... I like when that happens!

Hope you all have a good day :) I WILL GET CATCH UP TIME TONIGHT!! After an hour on the Wii. :)
Is it ok to say I think BB is being a teensy bit selfish about the KFC? It's not very fair for you - temptation is all around at the best of times, without one of the main people you rely on to support you shoving it in your face as well. I'm not sure where the logic is in getting cross with someone because they won't eat greasy food - however, this indicates that this is simply a 'man strop' which will hopefully calm down after a couple of hours!

No, course you can say that! I happen to agree with you :) I said to him, as a compromise, that we could get a bucket the weekend after Easter, and that it can be his choice for DVDs too. He seemed pretty happy with that. Especially after I explained the whole "Day One, plz don't make me fat" thing haha. He apologised for being unsupportive and life is all pink and fluffy again. :)

Tea last night was lamb curry, which he took the food list off the table and pointed at 6.5 points, which was fine :) It was all homemade, so the sauce was free, the bulk of the points was in the rice.
It was tasty though!! For all his faults, he does made bloomin good curry. Except the Pork-Curry-of-16-Chillis Disaster, New Years Day 2009. But we don't talk about that... !
3 cheers for pink and fluffy-ness :)
She isn't though, I'm not great with sizes but I'd say she was heading towards a size 20!!

I topped off the day with my leftover green curry, which was actually 5.5 points, not 8, treated myself to a bowl of bran flakes after 45 minutes on the Wii, and this leaves me 3.5 for the day.
Which I may bank.
If I had a local shop, I would be THERE getting a Creme Egg. mmmm :)
Can I just say I am green with envy lol I have a thing about the blond hairy one can never remember who is who though
Can I just say I am green with envy lol I have a thing about the blond hairy one can never remember who is who though

This sounds a bit wrong Kally ;)

Jen - glad all good again with you and BB and you've managed to come to a compromise (how very grown-up-type-person you are!) The curries sound lush - I could absolutely demolish a thai green curry right now. Yumscious.

Your colleague sounds hilarious, do keep us updated. It'll make us all feel slightly more smug!

Have a fab Wednesday :)
This sounds a bit wrong Kally ;)

lol think it's the Biker & Cooking Combi that does it
took me six months to teach Mr H how to turn the microwave on and don't even get me started on the tin opener lol

we do indeed need updates on this work colleague Jen
Tonight this work colleague took me out to Pizza Hut to cheer me up... NO DESSERT :D:D:D I needed cheering up because I think me and the boy are officially in a rough patch, given that we were meant to go for dinner last night, and when I got to his at the agreed time, as dolled up as I ever get for a weekday date, he had already cooked his tea, completely forgetting we had plans... :( Anyway, an evening of awkwardness and not speaking and today.. I needed cheered up somewhat..!
I had an individual pizza, which has turned out to be 20 points. Oops.
But it was really good.

Tomorrow, is the Hairy Bikers :)
And a proper update.

I won the Mini Golf tonight :) xx
Is it wrong for me to actually want to come and punch the Boy in the dohdahs and tell him to " forget that one " Men Nikki's right though they are full of great ideas before the deed then they need a poker up there jacksy to remember
Cheers girlies :) Both ya made me smile!!

To add to the "men are pants" theme of my diary thread, last night my dad and I were meant to go to see the Hairy Bikers - They did a show in Aberdeen, which is about an hours drive from home. So I reminded my dad repeatedly, and wrote it in his diary, and when I left work at 1 to come and pick him up from home, I text him... I gets here at 2 and No Dad. So I call him, no answer. Call Mum - "He has a meeting in Peterhead, its due to finish at 2"...Hmm. Ok. Peterhead is about half hour from home, so he'd be back at half 2 - cutting it fine, but ok. So I mess about n waste time and it gets to quarter to 3... No Dad. The show is meant to start at 4, it was the matinee... Anyhow Pops strolls in at 10 past 3, all "How are you, how was your day, why are you home early".... :mad:


Anyway, we missed the first 20 minutes or so, but the Bikers were ACE!! SO funny, I strongly suggest people try and see them if they can!

We then went to Pizza Express, I had a leggera salad-int'middle pizza, which was surprisingly good :) And ... erm... profiteroles. But I didnt have garlic bread, so yay me! lol.

This weekend - I have no idea whats going on. Biker Boy will be governed by the grand prix, so who knows... X
Men! Have a great weekend Jen whatever you decide to do.

Jen, i'm so relieved!!! I read your thread title and came straight in cos thought u and biker boy had split!!!! phew!!! You havent.

Yes the grand prix is a bit of a fixation in this house too!!! But he's at work so i've got scrubs on instead!!! lol.....

Glad you finally got to the hairy bikers and had a lovely evening....enjoy rest of ur
Oh. My. God. I have just spent over two hours (can't believe that) reading this thread and it is brilliant. Great to meet you, Jen (and friends) and reckon this could give Eastenders a run for its money. xx
Jen, i'm so relieved!!! I read your thread title and came straight in cos thought u and biker boy had split!!!! phew!!! You havent.

Yes the grand prix is a bit of a fixation in this house too!!! But he's at work so i've got scrubs on instead!!! lol.....

Glad you finally got to the hairy bikers and had a lovely evening....enjoy rest of ur

DOUBLE PHEW. Me too Linz.

Hope you're having a lovely wkend Jen and things sort themselves out with BB. Sending big hugs x x x
Double Wouble phew !!!
while I think he does deserve a good goggle in the dohdahs
I also kinda rather like him, I think you make a great double comedy act :D
Goes off to see if the " Hairys " ever come South of the Border
enjoy the rest of your weekend hun :D
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