How on earth do you get through a Sat night on 3 points
Haha... I didn't. Oops

but I hit the Wii and ended up breaking even in the end, although in general I don't like to eat my APs..!
And as for the icecream, thats exactly why I don't buy the big tubs - It would all be eaten all in one sitting too probably..!
Tesco poverty model range for 50p cheaper and exactly the same pointage... Plus the ice cream is pure white and tastes cleaner.
haha "poverty model"... I like that

I might have to steal that phrase!!!
You've conquered a lot too!!! Well done....I seem to be slipping backwards!!! Need to move forward and get a grip!
I'm finding it pretty hard, to be honest Linz, I think it's because I had given myself this London weekend as a major deadline to lose x amount of weight, and I haven't done it... so now I feel under twice the pressure that I want to be under, and it's all MY pressure, no one else is putting it there!! But cos I want to lose that x amount, I'm thinking twice as much about food and points and choices and good&bad stuff, and its making me feel hungrier and eat more junk than I want to? If that makes sense. Maybe its the same for you, subconsciously knowing the hols is coming soon!!!
I dunno. We'll soon be back on trackola though

I have faith. I BELIEVE!!!!
Last night, I did something really silly... haha. I have a "blog", which is basically a watered down version of this place, and Biker said he wanted to see the list of hurdles from Friday. So I merrily said ok, and copied and pasted the diary entry into an email and sent it on.... Then realised that the header of the diary is actually a link to the diary itself... so I made this face

and very swiftly went to proofread my blog, make sure there was no heat-of-the-moment negativity towards the fella... Just incase he went a-clicking...

Luckily, I only had one thing that needed editting

anything else, I would quite happily say to his face hahaha!
I've spent a good couple of hours looking into possibilities for exercise.
In the main, I feel in control of my food. 90% of the time, I'm doing ok. Still having slow small losses, but better than nothing

So.... If I'm happy with what's going in, I need to work on what's being burnt up. Up the exercise.
I also want to get out and meet people too. I don't know a great deal of girls up here, which is why I get so excited about the rare Girls Nights out at work!
I think I might go to the Curves after work tomorrow, and see what it's like in there. They have a special offer, I think its 6 weeks for £39, or something. That's not a lot of money when the gym is £5 a go usually. If I get a good vibe, I'll give that a go.
I'm tempted by Zumba, but I'd be there on my own, and I have zero rhythm... I might try and go to a class through the week on my week off and see if I like it.
I always wanted to do line dancing... haha. Obsession with Cowboys... but I don't even know where to start with that..!
Swimming - Well the loose dye is finally out of my hair now, so no excuses. I should start that up again! And I am not dying my hair again, it's been a nightmare this time.
I went on the Wii last night, for the first time in about 6 weeks I think, and I am aching like hell today. My poor poor shoulders...
Today - I will satisfy myself with walking the pooch
Have a good sunday people - Blimey, it's 12 already..!xx