Awwww you all missed me, I'm touched!!

Haha, not gone awol, just unintentionally stayed at the fella's all weekend. Much smiling going on in this part of the world lol.
Let's start at the beginning - Friday night was brilliant! I thought it was going to be like a huge function room, with tonnes of people from different places, like people booked a table in the room, but it was actually a private dining room with a bar in it! It was really good though, I only knew 2 other girls there, the rest I had spoken to on the phone but not actually met before.. They were all ace too, really fun crowd. We're gonna all go out again, it was good! I decided on a pink lacey top in the end, and even wore heels. When Biker got in from work, and I was pretty much ready, just straightening the last wobbly strands of hair, he said "You feeling ok, you look like a girl" cheeky g.t.
The food...was...amazing. I'm so going back. The haggis was surprisingly nice, it sorta had a sage&onion-stuffing style texture, and it was just nicely spiced, it was tasty! And the pastry was way better than mine... haha. There was a whisky sauce with it too, which was soooooo good. Very creamy, but I think it was Weightwatchers Low Fat Cream they had used.....
The main, I didn't have either lamb or seabass in the end - everyone else went for chicken, and I didn't want to be the odd one out, so I went for that too. It was chicken stuffed with skirlie, wrapped in bacon and served with carrots, them dolphin potatoes [I can't pronounce, or spell, the real word, I'm sticking with that...] and a drambuie sauce. I've never had drambuie sauce OR skirlie before, Skirlie's oatmeal stuffing apparently, like stodgy savoury porridge... but it was nice enough. Not sure I would go as mad over that as Biker does, he loves the stuff. But then, he is proper scottish and has been known to have haggis for breakfast before

The dessert, I went for strawberry cheesecake, which was thankfully light and fluffy, it was kinda like strawberry fool on a biscuit base, rather than a heavy cheesecake.
The cocktails - What a laugh! We had a rather nice bartender called Steve. He made 3 cocktails: a martini, a cosmopolitan and a stripy one that he had invented, which we called a summer breeze haha. It was blue, then green, then pineappley yellow on top, so it made sense..
THEN we had a go making cocktails, I made martinis cos they were pink and frothy.... as near to pink and fluffy as I could get! THEN!!! We got to make our own, which was fun. I think mine had apple sourz, midori and pineapple, it was very GREEN, and very tasty, I'd happily make that again!
After this demo was over, we went to the bar for a bit, and things get a bit hazy. The boy came to pick me up and has told me since that a) I amuse him [but won't say why..] and b) he doesn't like those shoes because not only did a slightly intoxicated Jenny struggle with taking them off, when he decided to be all manly and help, he also couldn't get them off.. They're heels with a cuff and studded straps round the ankles. So back at his house he thinks it was about half 3 when I stopped babbling at him, and he managed to convince me that it was bedtime, and then.... as usual when I have had tooooo much to drink, I was up wide awake at about 9am, pretty much bounding about like a small puppy... It wasn't until about 3pm that I felt rough...
Saturday didn't really do much - A bit of shopping and boozing. Burritos for tea.
Sunday tea, we might have gone to the all you can eat chinese - I was too amused apparently by a crowd of kids, there was maybe 5 young children that could barely see into the buckets of food available, they walked around the "starter" stand several times, and then all trouped back to their mums and dads with identical plates heaped with........ prawn crackers and nothing else...

Then a nice waddle. I would say a walk, but both of us were so full of chinese grub, it really was more of a waddle.
So to sum it up - bloody good weekend. We aren't in a rut, we aren't terrified by the "2 year" mark, we are SO looking forward to London, and the name Jenny suits me, even if he did call me Fiona the other day.... Apparently, he has no idea who Fiona is...
***Pink&Fluffy Warning***
It was funny though. I was driving back to my house last night, quietly proud of myself that I had spent 2 boozey nights without declaring my undying love for the fella.... And when I got home, I had a cuppa, got ready for bed and crawled into my pit, then realised I had to set my alarm... Oh look, a text from a certain someone saying "love you xxx"
Hence... the smiling all day.....
Roighty....!!! I'm armed with a cuppa...Off for a catchy up.X