x x x
Thank you
I am focussed, even planned my food for the day!
Todays food -
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs on toast [5]
Banana [1.5]
Morning Snack - Raspberry tart yogurt - I feel like a tart today
Lunch - TLC Lasagne [there is a run to the ol' Greasy Spoon today, this is my 7 point alternative]
Snack - Cookie Bar [to be consumed with a cuppa] [1.5]
Tea to be confirmed yet
16 + tea
Not too shabby at all, plenty of room for error
Have a good day people, I'm leaving work early today because I CAN!!x
I am focussed, even planned my food for the day!
Todays food -
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs on toast [5]
Banana [1.5]
Morning Snack - Raspberry tart yogurt - I feel like a tart today
Lunch - TLC Lasagne [there is a run to the ol' Greasy Spoon today, this is my 7 point alternative]
Snack - Cookie Bar [to be consumed with a cuppa] [1.5]
Tea to be confirmed yet
16 + tea
Not too shabby at all, plenty of room for error
Have a good day people, I'm leaving work early today because I CAN!!x