My car. Daisy. She gets called Daisy. 2001 Skoda Fabia. Lovely "Burnt Sienna" colour. Leopard Print steering wheel, yellow flower air freshener. She has an MOT next week.
Got half way to work, and Daisy decides to flash a funky light at me. So I pull over in the nearest village with a mobile signal, and call Biker. No answer, no surprise, it's shower time... So I call mummy. We decide to get Daisy as close to work as we can, and then rely on Biker and the RAC to fix the situation enough to get to the MOT next week.
Then I speak to Biker, and he basically said it could be anything at all. So to try and get to work, and he'll be on standby incase I stop and get stuck.
On the way to work, I decide to hell with it, I'm late anyway, I'm going to Asda to get some chocolate. Boll**ks to it. So I gets to Asda, gets some WW Chocolate Cupcakes and a packet of Clusters. Back to Daisy, and realise that in the next 5-10 miles, she's going to be in the red for petrol, so I went and stuck £20 in, and BINGO. The light has gone off now.
I told Biker - "Are you sure it wasn't just the petrol light".... How stupid do I look dahling, no it was not the petrol light!!!
So I have now googled, and get info that it could be anything minor, from spark plugs needing cleaned, to oil being low, or something major like the entire electrics needing replaced.
The joys...
Needless to say, I'll be pointing today rather than CCing..! That's because I had chocolate at 9am.....
Have a good day people!!! x
PS - Hannah, get the seeded small loaf, it's a warburtons one. The slices are small, and only 82 cals a slice, so not much more than the WW bread! Much tastier too!!