Thank you all for popping by

Hannah, definitely feels like a breath of fresh air and I'm so motivated by it. I haven't even had the official roll out yet, but I feel like a whole heap of
diet-diet-diet-must-lose-weight-not-losing=major-fail pressure has been taken off my shoulders... We'll see what happens scales-wise, but my head feels a million times clearer.
Laura, I know what you mean! To start with I saw I was on 42 and I was like "omg everyone in the world is on 29, I must be a monster!!" but to be fair, the points have gone much fairer on some things too - The fruit especially, and some of the "lower fat" alternatives, like the Eat Smart versions of things, they are lower than you'd imagine. In the main, I think [not gospel, no quoting plz!] general stuff has doubled, most of the lower-fat alternatives are 1.5 times the original points value. So you still get plenty for your points!
Haha Nik, got a bit of a way to go yet til I get to nick your kecks !!!
Ok, final scoffage for the day...
Breakfast - Toast & Jam
Lunch - Ham Roll, Yogurt & banana, cookie
Tea - 200g potato chipped and roasted in spices, a burger, dry fried onion & pepper with a dollop of light mayo
Dessert - Cadbury light trifle [only 3 propoints!] ... and I may have a second one...
Total of 40 pro points. And I am genuinely stuffed but not uncomfortable.
As I said, this week is dedicated entirely to comfort food... Pepperoni Pizza tomorrow, hurrah!
Biker was asking about the new plan last night. I said that I felt ok about it and that, yes, while he was away I would give it 110% and a fair trial... We were talking about the treat fund, and I said that I couldn't quite get my head around how if you eat 49 points, you lose weight. If you don't eat the 49 points, you lose weight.... It's like an extra day or twos food for some. How can eating that much extra [or not] have no impact on your weightloss? I thought it might be a placebo type thing, like a reverse psychology thing? We've all felt that pull - You go on a diet, you say "no more chocolate" or "no more crisps" and BANG... all you want is chocolate and crisps. So you crave it, think constantly about it, give in, eat twice as much choc/crisps as you would normally, feel sick, feel like a failure and bang, away goes the wagon, leaving you in the gutter. However, this time, WW says you have this buffer... maybe if it's there, you don't want the food half as much, cos it's not off-limits. I know nothing was ever off limits as such.. but if it's not naughty, if it's not so much of a treat, what's the big attraction?? I wonder if adding this 49 point allowance has a reverse psychology thing in that maybe you'd hardly use it.... I dunno like, I'm just thinking aloud.! It already seems to be working with me. I don't want to go raid the local shop for chocolate. I stopped myself getting a bag of maltesers from the machine at work today. Granted, I had that cookie, but before I would have snuck two..!
My points today, as we all know I like me numbers...
Discover Points - 24.5
ProPoints - 40
Syns... I'm kidding, I'm not synning, not CCing. Sticking with the WW PP system. Which I read in my head now as the WoopWoop system...........
Day 2 - Jenny 1:0 Binges
Bring on Day 3....!!