Jenny I will take the poochie

Does he/she like cuddles? Coz i could do with one and chris's new dog is not the same as my lovely laura was.
I think you should smack him in the head either way because he is being a ninny and you dont deserve it!
Have a nice day with your bacon butty!
Haha, well n truly a ninny, yes, agreed...
Ruby, she likes attention. She likes to be within 2mm of people, regardless of who they are and what they are doing. If you go to the loo, she'll stand and scratch at the door while you're in there, whimpering... I tried letting her in the bathroom once to keep her quiet, but she just stood and stared at me, with those eyes.... Decided never to do that again
We took her in when her previous owners legged it to Cyprus, they had 5 dogs, and took the other 4 with them.... She's the one that has funny turns, epileptic fits and stuff, but since she's been spayed, she just needs to be with people allll the time..... It's strange.
Funny how animals differ.... What's the new pooch like?
Och Jen, he could at least ask how u r.....I agree!
Enjoy ur time off that u've booked and ur bacon butty today..xx
He's redeemed himself slightly... Not a lot... Opinion is at about 12% now, instead of the 3% it was first thing this morning...!!
I can't wait! This tuesday will be an in-the-house-Wii-day I think, then my week off, I might go to the christmas fair in Edinburgh, and get my hair done, and get my last bits and pieces for chrimbo done... exciting stuff!!! I still have 5 days to take in January too, but deciding to save them incase I get snowed in or out again like last year...
How Ironic that you should ask that question! I googled Black & White Kitten Pie recipes this morning, I reckon you could use the same recipe, perhaps the meat would just be a bit more tender like.
Did you get your cannalonionionioni out of this months WW mag? Looked wonderful and have got the ingrediants to do it myself, only I'm using lasagne sheets and quark, hopefully should make it lower pointage.
Haha, yeah, lets have a pie making competition... hehe. There's not a lot of meat on ScoobyDoo though, so it might be a bit... tasteless. Hmm. I can bulk it up with zero veg though, keep the points low
Do you know, I was so overwhelmed with all the other paperwork I got at WW this week, I havent even opened the magazine yet!!! The recipe I went by was from the Good Food site, I used lasagne sheets, spinach, ricotta [recipe said feta but ricotta was lower points] and a little quorn cos I didnt have enough spinach. I thought 1 bag would be enough..?! Blitzed up some capers, olives, tomatoes and herbs n stuff, chucked that on top and some grated parmesan. In the oven, 20 minutes, bish bash bosh! Not hot enough, in the micro for 2 minutes, burnt mouth.... hahaha
I'm not going to pretend I had salad with it, it was Garlic Bread damnit!!! Tesco Light Choice garlic bread slices - 1.5 Discover points, 2 ProPoints a slice.. Nice touch!
*looks in WW mag* yeah that one looks nicer than mine did

What is Kale please? I don't think I have ever had that..!
I got a few minutes speaking to BB earlier, on time-delay-cheap-mans-MSN. Well I say speaking, he did most of the typing.! He's working 6am to 6pm at the moment and the heat is taking it out of him apparently, so he was in bed at 9 last night... He was really apologetic to me that he'd eaten something with Rabbit in it. I said it was ok, but Candy [my bunny] would know, and would never forgive him... haha, she hates anyone human anyway, attacks me on a daily basis and is generally known as the killerpsychobunny.... She does actually thump her feet when Biker goes near her though, it's quite funny. And now he's eaten one of her buddies... mwahaha!!
Biker said he is refusing to go back to this place to work. I cant tell if he's being quiet because he's fed up with me, or if its cos he's having a lousy time.
But he'll soon be home, then I can smack him in the head, tell him he's a kn.bhead, that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him, and we'll be right as rain again.
I'm off to get a shower, ta-ra for noo!!! xx