Stay safe and warm Jen...its brass monkeys out here...god knows what its like at urs!!
Cheers Linz! -19's the coldest Biker's noticed, he has a thermometer in the car. At mine we've got a thing dangling out the window, and that's been -16... I think it's only -8 tonight. Christ, never thought you'd be saying "only -8"...!!!
Brass Monkeys = Bloody Frizzin
you can possibly forgive him eventually.. next decade or something haha! x
Meh, maybe... haha. No, to be fair, he has one more gesture, then he's back in the good books. Today, he was all nicey when I had my usual "I hate clothes shopping" strop and said I was a heffer and was refusing to wear anything other than leggings and tracky bottoms til I lose the equivalent weight of a small cow...
Hope your tummy is better J. Pen, I heard that when you have tummy pains, curry is zero point
Feeling much better, thanks Nik

I read that too, curry = 0 points, chocolate = 0 points and good luck to anyone who tries to say otherwise at that time of the month haha.!
Morning Jen, hope you're feeling better. Have you got the huskies out up there yet?!
Have a great week.
Thanks Lesley

Yes, much better ta, just needed a day of grumbling and feeling sorry for myself!
No huskies yet - I could try the three mutts that we have, but I doubt the two terriers would do much, and Maggie the deranged-collie just goes nuts and tries to eat all the snow... She actually pounces through it like a cat pounces.. Strange thing...!
hiya hun hope your feeling better! at least your on hols now! can enjoy and relax for a little while
..birds eyes ones for 10pp with rice teehee! not the same but gives me my fix for the time being!
I did not realise the Birds Eye ones were that low... I was expecting 12, 13, 14 for those! I will have to have a rummage, yus!!

And feeling soooooo much better for just not being at work. I'm not sure if I am impressed that my manager hasn't called, or worried as to the state of things when I get back, but whatever, I'll deal with it on monday

I is back
Ok what's that fella been up to now
I'm out today buying wet fish so that I can join Hannah in this face slapping

And the blokey... the usual moodiness. BUT! He was really sweet to me on monday when he had to go to work and left me at his to sleep, he's been asking stuff about christmas, and he's even asked to come here to see my family, on one of the bank holidays - He asked when my bruv was planning to come home for the break, cos he'd like to come through when he's here...!!! Never mind him, I think my face looked like I had been fish-slapped..!!
And he's told me to be at his, ready to go out for tea on thursday, I asked if it was a date or just tea, and he said it was a date. But his good shirts are still in his bag which we don't know where it is, so not too much of a dressy-date plz...

Hope you bought lots of fab stuff Jen, I like a good shop x
I certainly did V.... I decided that I wanted to go into town today, to finish off my Christmas shopping. Instead, I got myself 2 bags, 2 scarves, a couple of hair things, a new top and a pair of jeans. And some man-gloves for digging. And 2 DVDs. I want some Chanel No5 for mum, and I asked in 2 places, but they didnt have Chanel. So I did INTEND to get pressies.... haha
Food today -
Breakfast - Leftover potatoes, dry fried with chopped up turkey rashers, mushrooms and 2 slices of toast
Lunch - Late subway - Steak n cheese with peppers gherkins and tomato. Get in
Tea - Homemade pizza with chorizo and mince
Snack - maltesers

... x2
Still needing to shovel heaps of snow everyday. I'm starting to get physically tired of it now, god knows how my dad feels, he's done the entire of the driveway, I've just done the parking bays and a couple of pathways. Mental. Absolutely mental. And on the way home from Aberdeen, it started again...
I got some pastry. Why the muck did I buy pastry? I have some really low point venison sausages and a bit of haggis too, gonna make some sausage rolls, and some sage & onion rolls. Could be a plan anyway..! My aim is to not use ALL of the pastry....
Tomorrow, as well as making pastry based things, I have to go to the North coast with mum........ :| ITS GOING TO BE BLOODY COLD.
Night!!! Time for sleeps now xx