i literally lol'd at you and the wrapping paper comment haha

bet he wasnt best pleased! x
Not really... He stole my hat and messed up my hair, haha. Git.
Nightmares = probably because of the gremlins? I hate it when they eat after 12 - I have to switch it off then! You're a braver gal than I am Jen
It's the way they bully poor little Gizmo, he's so damn cute!!
So yes.... My stuff from Thailand turned up - but Amazon, still waiting... Thailand 1, Amazon 0...
One more day then it's Christmas... This day, to be honest, is kinda striking fear into my heart! It feels like a license to overeat, and I don't like it..! I'm trying to point, I really am. Biker is helping, infact, he is being so unbelievably supportive, I couldn't believe it the other day when he said "how many points does tea work out at", I said "I don't care anymore" and he said that he did, and he wasn't letting me have tea til I pointed it...
And then the next morning, he wouldn't let me have profiteroles for breakfast. Apparently that is a silly idea... Who does he think he is?!
Food at work - Well today, I had 3 mince pies for lunch. 21pp. There's just heaps of crap lying about and I have little or no willpower. Or self control. But breakfast was a sensible option of poached eggs on toast, and tea was chicken with potato and carrots.
Today was the first day that I got stuck in the snow. Struggled twice on the way to work, and then got proper stuck on the way home, had to dig out. I just lost control of the car. On a straight stretch of road... Only happens to me haha.
I have two parcels left to wrap, then I'm all done for Christmas.

My brother is meant to get a train up to Aberdeen tomorrow, I hope he gets here but the "act" has already started. Mum wouldn't even put the tree up til tonight, because "It wouldn't be Christmas without your brother"... And we haven't any brown bread, because "your brother only likes white"....
I know it's stupid petty stuff, but I may as well not exist when he's about!
One more day of stress at work, and then Christmas

One last weigh in... 19st.... and 1lb. Nearly. So close!
I'll do it by New Year.
Or by my birthday!
Not disheartened. Not letting myself be... x