Silver Member
Hey jenny
it was sooooooo weird seeing your entry
I lost a baby on the 31st July 2 days before my big 21st birthday party I was nearly 3 months gone and devstated, lupas runs in my family which is a genectic disorder which enables you to get pregnant but never carry past 6 months, due to the stress of it I also went on the coil I put weight on nearly 2 stone and just keep using the coil as a excuse of my weight gain when I looked in the mirror to weeks ago I was disgusted at what was staring back I though how does my man find me attractive after gettin into The right frame of mind ive realised my weight gain was nothing to do with my coil but was the stress and emtional distress of my loss and comfort ate,
I'm now not on 8 lbs lighter but I'm on a bloody mission to feel fab again
I'm not dieting I'm heathly eating with a restristed calorie intake,
You can do this xxxxxxxx big hugs xxxxxxx
From a young lady in the same boat xxxx
sorry to hear of your loss. Glad your turning a corner Goodluck