Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

jen i would be interested in seeing your tracker if you dont mind? :D

[email protected]

if you would email me it i would love you forever and a day :D thank you! x
jen i would be interested in seeing your tracker if you dont mind? :D

Expose Email

if you would email me it i would love you forever and a day :D thank you! x

Me, me, me, me too! Puhhhleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeee! :D

[email protected]

works email there - cant tell you my home one - it's too embarrassing - my mum typed it wrong and didnt check it and i cant bear to change it as ive had it since i was about 12!!!! Bet your all curious now huh ;):D x
very very well done on the 3lbs jen!

emma, i'm very intrigued by your email address now - my son used to have some shockers on his hotmail, including ilovesheep and satansmydad! who'd have kids!
very very well done on the 3lbs jen!

emma, i'm very intrigued by your email address now - my son used to have some shockers on his hotmail, including ilovesheep and satansmydad! who'd have kids!

Muwahahahaha that was the plan Karen!;)
Some of my friends have great email addresses!!! I couldnt think of a great one (well i was only 12) so my mum suggested one and typed it so fast she blemmin spelt it wrong x
come on, what is it emma? you know you'll feel better if you tell us :)

Oh it's nothing special ;)

it's [email protected]

LOL - told ya - nothing special.... was meant to be offtheplanet :eek: all of my friends used to ask twice and my mum wouldnt do me a new one (i was littler then and wasnt too great on using a computer!)

Twasnt me - promise!:Dx
ha ha, ah you all make me laugh so much!! Shall send those tonight, so days are a little more detailed than others :D
ok girls, have sent my tracker to you all! It has a nice wee points calculator on it so have included a blank one so you can use it if you like! Also sent you a WW cookbook, points guide, core guide and eating out guide... you prob wont use any of them but better to have and delete than never to have had at all! ha ha! lol
(sent them to both addresses BTW cause I got a little confused!)
thanks very much Jen! :D x
Thought a small puzzle time interlude was called for!!

You only have one match have to light an oil lamp to light the room, start a fire to warm the room and heat some water to have a bath. In order to complete all of these tasks, what should you light first?
the match. obviously :p
nah, just got it wrong the last time i was asked! :D