Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

There are six F's in the sentence.
A person of average intelligence finds three of them.
If you spotted four, you're above average.
If you got five, you can turn your nose at most anybody.
If you caught six, you are a genius.
There is no catch. Many people forget the "OF"'s. The human brain tends to see them as V's and not F's. Pretty weird, huh?
....apparently. I am quite distraught as initially I only saw 3...surely I am not average!! lol
Here's one for you. A woman goes to her mother's funeral and there she sees the man of her dreams. She doesn't know who he is and she has never seen him before but, before she plucks up the courage to speak to him and find out who he is, he leaves. She is distraught. A week later she kills her sister. Why?
because....she finds out it was her sister dressed up in drag and didnt find it very funny....
oh thats a better answer! Perhaps she found out he was a detective and told someone that it was her sister who killed her mother, so she went out on a revenge attack!
A father and son have a car accident and are both badly hurt. They are both taken to separate hospitals. When the boy is taken in for an operation, the surgeon says 'I can not do the surgery because this is my son'. How is this possible?
I remember that surgeon one from a few years back and used it in training and no-one guessed that it could be the mum

Maybe that's progress for us feminist types that Jen got it soooo quickly

Jax - what's the answer to the funeral man one??? Is it as Jess thought?
is that right? it was his mum! How amazing am! Eh Rosie, how come you ask if Jess is right about the funeral one when I clearly gave a great answer too...about the
Yup, it's his mother! My psychology teacher did that one on us, but the cow next to me whispered the answer before I got chance to think! So I'll never know if I'm a sexist pig or not :p
Ok. You're at a T junction and you don't know which way to go. One direction leads to paradise and the other to certain death. There are two men standing there; one always tells the truth and the other always lies but you don't know which is which. You can only ask one question of one of the men and you then need to make your decision. What question will you ask and then what will you do? You can assume that both men know about the truth/lies thing.
Well you would say that wouldn't you ;)

My son is very proud that he's the only person he knows who's got it right - scary little man that he is!
I would ask if anyone had a mobile I could borrow as no doubt I would be very scared and would want my mummy :| I am rubbish at these!! lol! The only one I ever managed to get was this :
On a sunday afternoon, a wealthy man was stabbed to death,
but all the people who were in the house at the time had excuses.
The butler was cleaning out the closet, the gardener was watering tomatoes, the maid was getting the mail, the cook was making dinner,and the wife was running errands.
Who killed the man and why do you think it was them?
I would ask if anyone had a mobile I could borrow as no doubt I would be very scared and would want my mummy :| I am rubbish at these!! lol! The only one I ever managed to get was this :
On a sunday afternoon, a wealthy man was stabbed to death,
but all the people who were in the house at the time had excuses.
The butler was cleaning out the closet, the gardener was watering tomatoes, the maid was getting the mail, the cook was making dinner,and the wife was running errands.
Who killed the man and why do you think it was them?

Did he like kill himself or something?:cool:

I'm so pants at these things! Come on Jen i want to know now lol :D x
lol,no the maid did it, cause the mail isnt delivered on a sunday so she was talking mince!! lol