Morning Jen
This does indeed look like the morning after the NIGHT before. Glad you had a good time but ooohhh so sorry can we have another pic this one detracts from your gravitas as our captain and leader (but I do love it anyhow)
It wasnt the morning after, that is just what I look like in school!! lol! I am such a kid!! lol!
I have changed it now as per instruction tho

Had a good day today, saw a lovely young chap who told me not to worry about driving my car, the breaks arent going to fail and he will fix it by the time I finish school tomorrow for half the price! Happy days!!
Food wise I have been alright, had my oats so simple for breakie, then a mushroom pasta thing from tesco for lunch, and will have my pizza for tea.
One of the girls brought me in snax a jack popcorn?? its lovely, a reasonably sized bag of salt and vinegar popcorn for half a point!! Cant ask for more!!
I went to my salsa class tonight and I am never going back!! I am quite a confident person and like to think I can fake confidence in situations even when I feel mortified....not tonight! She made me dance in the middle of a circle with her on my own and generally made my heart go and 50000 beats a second and my face as red as a beetroot!!
I would never dream of doing that to the kids in my class and they have less self awareness at that age! Luckily everyone who was there were as bad as me so I got more sympathy looks rather than pointing and laughing! lol!
Will stick to my steps DVD in the future! The girls I was with hated it too so at least it wasnt just me! lol!
So glad to be home and back to big brother and a cup of tea! lol!