Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

then again, you didnt see her on the game machine in Harvester :p but you have me Aunty Kazza so you're good really! :D

I do get slightly over excited at the machine! You are best sticking with Rach! lol

She is a pussycat really. A mad pussycat, to be fair, but sweet and cuddly none the less. xx calling me fat? lol

yeah she is really.. she insisted on holding my hand every time i crossed the road.. she reckons cause she cared for my safety but really she just fancies me.. :p

thats cause you were a mental wanting to cross without the green man!! Honestly the youth of today!! lol

Sorry girls. Angelina and K are merely a smoke screen to keep the paparazzi away from my door. Ill have words with Brad this week about giving you all false hope

Too true...much love xx lol

Brad and the waiter are obviously a smoke screen for Jen too as it seems she secretly fancies Rachel ;)

its not a secret.. shes not too good at hiding these things.. i got 4 valentines cards off her! :p ;)

Cant believe all my secrets are coming out...this is my worst nightmare...all my lovers are revealed!

Now I could take the lying, cheating ways of Brad but not you, Jen.

I thought I was your only one. But it seems a younger model has caught your eye.....I understand :cry:

some people just break hearts with no thought whatsoever.

anyhow, I am going after the F&B waiter now. He is totally fanciable. x

aah nooo! I cant lose you all!! ha ha!! I dont think waiter wouldn't like you I am afraid, my G's are convinced he is one of them and going out their way to find out for sure! Such a waste for us girls! lol!
Ehm Asda?? Without me??? Whats that all about :eek:
lol, aye alright stalker! :p Meant to say, head teacher has now employed an after school fit club in honour of me! A professional keep fit person thing is coming in after school for a bums and tums class!! Am SOOOO excited!! :D
Sandy, there is probably some other love interest at ASDA that she doesn't want you to know about....cramping her style and all that. :p

And on the waiter front...that would just make him more of a challenge! ;) My husband is always saying that I am a bloke bird anyway - so that might count :D

Yes, you are right on clicking the last unread post - thought you had skipped some, that's all. Sorry. Criticising you un-justly. Am I forgiven.....and no, cuddly does not mean fat - it means snuggly and cuddly.
Asda gate?!! If you must know I ran out of lettuce for my salad tomorrow! lol! Sorry all a bit boring! :)
Yeah they even had the tuna pasta in! Was looking good tonight, although bought nothing but lettuce, it was very supermarket sweep cause the woman was going mental on the tanoy saying the STORE IS CLOSING IN 5 MINS...4 MINS..3 MINS.. GET OUT GET OUT!!!!!!!
Dont they do 24hrs down your way then? Scandalous that you have to travel a distance to get in your 2am shops - how totally inconsiderate ASDA are.

Anyway, get to bed. Its a school night and you are up waaaaay too late. xx
I know, had a power nap earlier and its messed me right up!! Shall be off to bed now seeing as you dont seem SLIGHTLY excited about my bums and tums class!
:) xx love ya x
ooh exciting! are you going Miss Watson? :p
Oh yes Miss Watson will be there! Bit rude if I didnt go! lol! Looking forward to it, we have quite a bit gym and good sound system so think it will be a laugh if nothing else!
Enjoy the B+T!!

Thank you! I am actually a wee bit nervous! Everyone at school appears to be super fit! They are all lovely tho so I know they wont be horrible to the sweaty beast crawling behind! lol! (well I hope they wont!)
when is it? x
Am hungry now having been reminded of all the yummy places at the quay LOL - have a super time. Hope you enjoy/ed your B&T class!