Learnt from the best!! We are doing dance fit next week! How exciting! I was thinking i should offer to teach the instructor my dance routines so she could use them in her lesson...
Learnt from the best!! We are doing dance fit next week! How exciting! I was thinking i should offer to teach the instructor my dance routines so she could use them in her lesson...
With my mega posting binge, I dropped you down to page 2 - so just popping you back where you belong - at the top of the tree (till someone posts again that is.)
Hope you all had a lovely night. See you tomorrow. xx
After the delights of this weekend I seem to have put on 5lb!! Am quite gutted but will lose it this week!! I am a lady on a mission!
Had a lovely weekend, was so nice to see everyone although Chinese buffet on both nights may have been excessive!! ha ha!! All good tho!
Had a lovely day today, met Rosie for a quick coffee and got my birthday pressies which I LOVE then took my mum shopping and cooked her dinner. Am just about to leave her house now and head home to get my school bag ready! Hope everyone is well. xxx
It wont be a true 5lbs missus *HUGS* Youd need to have eaten about 15000 extra cals for that. Bet its all off by next week and if its not, we'll all be in the same boat, you didnt have any more to eat than any of the rest of us
ah thank you all! have just done 20 mins on my lateral thigh trainer too! Cant believe its 5lb! whole body is in agony too from that silly Steps dvd that I did 3 times this week!
Hopefully this extra 5lbs will disappear quicker than appeared Well done for doing step dvd! I tried to do one last year but 5 min into the workout I gave up! Have a good week
I reckon its just carb weight - and will disappear over the next few days - I also think when we overdo the carbs, our bodies hold more water, again making a gain "appear"
On Sunday it will be gone and another couple with it.
It was so lovely to see you and get a fix on your chat...
Sherry: she doesn't even drink -so all the madness is stone cold sober!!
Thank you for such kind words of encouragement! Personnel phoned me today to offer me a permanent contact!! I am over the moon! Been waiting 4 years for this and thought it defo wouldn't happen this year with all the cut backs! Means I will get paid the same every month no matter what! Makes such a difference! Start in April!