If youre worried about the tax phone me in the morning. Mum will be up from about 0700 with Ciara and Ill see if she still had the card - or text her
Night night, sweet dreams xx
You're such a good friend, thank you!
Gary's an MOT tester. I'll ask him in the morning if ya need a blown up non-deflated spare before it'll pass. I'm sure you won't log on and be well on your way to the garage though. Won't hurt to find out.
Good luck with MOT.
Indeed you were right, I didnt log on, was too busy moving ....6..bin bags of rubbish from my car...not proud but honest!
Spare tyre doesn't come into an MOT. Straight from the MOT Guru!
Thank goodness for that!
Hi Jen - just after a bit of advice about an R4 for my DS lite - what it is? Where do I get I get one from? How do they work? Sorry for all the questions, Rach suggested I asked you as you were the "R4 guru" xx Thanks take care x
I have an R4 card and its all I have ever used. i love how easy they are, just download the Roms and youre off! You get them off lots of sites quite cheap, if you type in R4 card into Google you will get one. It is just like a DS game but you slide a wee memory chip into it which holds up to about 20 games depending on how big a memory you bought!
Hope you are feeling a bit better this morning, angel.
Its a right pain when things like that happen - I hate things that don't send you a reminder when they're due - I guess that's what calendars are for but I NEVER remember to put things on there for a year out!!!
Glad the spare is out of the equation - I thought that if you had one it needed to be legal but you don't need to have one (if that makes sense...) so take it out and you should be ok.
Go and have a good workout and blow away some of your stresses. xxx
Thank you angel! I hate unexpected bills and panic to get things done (you prob know this from my chart anyway! )
oooh No way, I hate it when things like that creep up and bite you on the bum.
Hope it all goes ok today hun.
Thank you !
i was going to say... it was on the recommended list that we get a spare when we got our banger MOT'd (and that's just common sense... didn't know it had deflated) but we passed it ok. good luck with it
abz xx
Thank you! They didn't look at it, unfortunately they looked at everything else but hey ho!
In my opinion I thought DSTT cards were better than the R4 ones but then again...... who am I to say. I discovered them last spring and now everybody I know has one! They the monkeys banana!!
www.dealextreme.com just type in DSTT card and you get a 2gb memory card with it for ......(just looking)..... $12.30 and free shipping. Have used them loads 'n loads. Takes about 10 days to arrive.
Any problems..........
YouTube - Top Toy DS Video Review (DSTT/TTDS) just one of many.
And if you're troubled, scratching your head and completely flummoxed - tell me, I'll help - easy peasy once ya know how.
Well check you and your monkey bananas! I havent heard of them but guessing they are all pretty much the same.
Well, got up at half six and got car up to mechanic (cleaned out) for about half seven, had to slide the keys under the door in a very dodgy way and hope for the best! My friend Christine came and picked me up from Mechanic to take me to school which was good as Miss Watson does not do buses! lol
Anyway, half way through maths I got a call, so I told the angels to be quiet in the nicest possible way and took it! He said, oh Jen, its failed on 4 counts! The headlight is not working, 2 suspension things have gone, number plates are illegal cause water has gotten in and they are not clear and there is an electrical fault causing your fog lights to flash! I probably had my proudest moment as a teacher shortly after hearing that news as I didnt swear! I just said, oh gosh....
He said all in, including MOT cost he could do it for £230 so I just said yes, cause he could get it done for me coming out of school and goodness knows what Arnold "Shark" would have charged! (see what I did...shark..clark...see..mmm)
So Christine, bless her, took me back up to the garage at three and he said it would be another 20 mins, so we wandered down to McDonalds for a wee cup of tea! Then I went back up and got my wee Shoz back! Was so happy to see her again, absence does make the heart grow fonder! I was cursing her last night, but love her again now!
Then I nipped across the road to get my road tax done and about £350 later, nipped down to my wee boy that I tutor and did an hour of angles! Riviting!! Am so glad today is over!!!
Tonight I am meant to be going to the bingo with Iain, I am quite shattered tho! Thinking I may convince him that its more a night for a dvd!