Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

Can I ask a wee question, Its about Core....never done it before but it looks quite good. I have an excel spread sheet with all the core food on it, so can I eat as much as I want of them? then is it 20 points a week I can have for wee cheeky extras?
You are obviously in fab company with a 1lb gain :)

You can get Dulcolax over the counter, it's better than the old-fashioned stuff with senna in, which I can't tolerate. Just take one at bedtime (it says take one or two DO NOT TAKE TWO - trust me on this) and you should 'go' by the next lunch time.

As for core - you can eat freely from the list until you are satisfied but have to eat three meals a day. Anything eaten outside those three meals a day, even if it's core, has to be pointed, apart from fruit, which you can eat at any time. You have 21 points a week for snack and non-core foods.

I like core - you don't have to count or weigh things.
I'm confused - its easily done to be fair.

Wk 13 you have 14st 11 as your weight - is this wk 14 for you - if so, is that not a sts then? or a 1lb loss over wk12

Or am I just going mad with all this talk of number 2's

Ha ha! All that changing of mind was even confusing me!! I have decided to forget everything I have ever said!! Taking the sunday weigh in as what it was and have registered a 1lb gain, have amended my signature accordingly to prevent further confusion!!! ha ha!!
(enough of your cheek Rach!! :D)
Thank you Karen! A wonder as always! I may have a wee go at core, although I think I will miss my snacking!! Also already get looks in the staff room when I am eating my WW curry or something at lunch, they all look and say oooh are you allowed to eat that Jen....does my head in! I can only imagine what they will say when I bring out the 500lb steak! ha ha!
Hey Hun
Dont worry about your 1lb gain its nothing you will have that off next week xx

Thanks!! My initial thought was oh god thats my first gain, thats it, I will be back at 17 stone soon! Got to have more faith in the system! perhaps its my body telling me to have a dominos???? :D
You will do it hun,are you a points or a core girl ,i no really annoys me at work when they say can you have that on a diet,i feel like saying something really annoys me
Never tried core but was thinking about it to shake things up a little! Not sure it would work for me tho cause I am a little bit of a snacker!! Do you like it?
I have never tried core as i dont think i could control my self with the food till i was full and not bloated!
I stick to my points as i no what i am doing then! :)
Yeah thats very true Gem, I remember when I first started WW and being amazed at what a portion should look like!! My portion size is my main problem so core could just be asking for trouble!!
Core is pretty easy - you could always be safe and weigh things like pasta / rice / potato to make sure you dont go over.. i do that as I know otherwise my portions will be out of control!

As for snacking, you can snack but only fruit and veg.. if you want anything like biscuits etc, you have to eat them alongside your meal times..

personally i have found as well that if my meal times change (which they do ALL the time cause I am unorganised!) I struggle a little with Core - you should never let yourself get starving hungry or uncomfortably full, and sometimes its really easy to slip and do just that!

however if you decide to try it for a week, we'll all help you as much as poss! One great thing about Core (for me anyway!) is that I can have MASSIVE bowls of Shreddies and milk and not have to care how much! I just had a bowl tonight and it looked like what I would normally have on Core, and it was 7.5pts LMAO!
Ah, now I am put straight. Thanks for that.

Were you expecting a gain this week, Jen? or is it a bit of a shock?

I haven't ever done core, but have done SW - (same sort of principle I suppose) and I did go mad on portion sizes - so points works for me to gauge what size meal I should be eating.

Rosie x
ha ha! That would be me, 30 packets of oats so simple in the morning, all poured into one bowl! God could only imagine the grannies in the staff room!! Oh Jens off the diet, we knew it wouldnt last!! lol!
Youre very supportive Rach, I may forgive you for your earlier comment now :)
Ah, now I am put straight. Thanks for that.

Were you expecting a gain this week, Jen? or is it a bit of a shock?

Rosie x

No didnt expect it at all! I have been soooo good all week, there have been weeks I have been a right naughty minx and still lost (the dominos, chinese doubler weekend springs to mind!)
I have been on diet for ages now and havent gained so I guess it was only a matter of time! I feel the number two situation is to blame! Must have a good couple of stone waiting to come out!! ha ha!!
just to let you know that my number two has arrived! feel much better! Although taken one of karens special pills so not sure if thats a bad thing, took it just before no 2, sure it doesnt work that fast!!