Found atkins easy yesterday, hard today. Headache, upset tummy, sick of meat! I had to take a packed lunch in today so i had two sausages wrapped in bacon, 2 boiled eggs, mini satay chicken pieces and a chunk of cheese. Quite sickening. I ate a pepperami too :jelous: So disgusting. I need to find a better, lighter lunch. I can only think of salad, but maybe I can warm some chicken up and have caeser salad. If I get the shakes I might just have them for lunch. I wonder if I can get some CD shakes and bars off a councellor if I say I want to do 810 or something. Dinner tonight is chicken korma (made with chicken, a bit of paste, onions and cream). I'm making a "rice" out of cauliflower so it'll be like eating a normal meal. Looking forward to it! Off into London tomorrow for my friend's birthday.