Had a lovely day yesterday

Mumma K paid for EVERYTHING! She's the best FMIL

Adam and I have decided that when I'm working and we've had a couple of months to pay off other shiz we're going to take Mumma K and Brucie to Les Mis and for a nice meal. We went on all rides we wanted to, saw some animals, had a photo taken at the Western booth. Nothing felt rushed, it didn't rain.. nice day

We even managed to fit in a drink at the pub. I was very achey that evening and I hurt my hip, haha. A lot of walking was done. Meal was divine (

), I couldn't fit my tempura ice cream in though :cry:
Today I went out to buy something for potential interviews, I'm bound to get one eventually! Bought a lovely tailored black dress from Next. I will try get a photo of me in it whenever I get an interview! I tried on a pencil skirt and top in new look.. eww.. I love the look and hope I can pull it off some day, but it definitely does not suit me right now.