The mother flippin'
Such nice weather! I was going to have toad in the hole for dinner today but it's too hot for that. Instead going to split the remaining gammon steak with Adam and have that with some new pots and coleslaw. I'm not really counting calories at the moment, ever since I've moved I've found it hard to do a proper diet so I'm just watching what I eat. It's going well I think, but I will start properly counting either when I get the calorie book or when I move. If I cut my calories down by 500 a day that should be a pound a week and I hope to join the gym once I've moved, which will hopefully be another 1lb a week. I didn't have breakfast today (had a lie-in, makes my mind numbingly boring days go quicker) and for lunch I had a big soup with 2 slices of crustless bread. That lunch is around 350 calories and my dinner seems quite low too so I'm going to have some drinkies tonight. We've got a bit of gin and barcardi lying around, so I'm thinking mojitos and something else.
It's my birthday a week today. I've got Adam to book off the Thursday and Friday. On the Thursday we're going to go down to Brighton and if I haven't heard back from the job (application deadline tomorrow, so should have if I've got an interview) I think we'll have a look at some houses in Hayward's Heath while we're down that way. Friday I'm going back to the shire and I'm hoping England will beat Germany so there will be a family BBQ. Football is a big thing in my family and it means everyone will be around to give me money
Hopefully I can see some friends too, but I think most of them are off travelling somewhere or other. Also going to view a wedding venue in Evesham as it's on the way. My bestie, Hen, is off somewhere but when she's back in London we're going to try the Brilliant Restaurant which is supposed to be the best Indian in London.
This Saturday I think we are going to Osterley Park (best £16 I ever spent, that National Trust membership!) with a blanket and our books to chill in the sun. Because it's NT there will be no horrid chavs with no tops on, drinking lager and swearing. I may even take a couple of wine spritzers. The NT sent me a voucher in the post recently for a cream tea for 2. A pot of tea and 4 scones with jam and cream. Mmm. May have to use that and if there are no cream teas it's just a voucher for £9 towards food. I <3 the national trust!
It's my birthday a week today. I've got Adam to book off the Thursday and Friday. On the Thursday we're going to go down to Brighton and if I haven't heard back from the job (application deadline tomorrow, so should have if I've got an interview) I think we'll have a look at some houses in Hayward's Heath while we're down that way. Friday I'm going back to the shire and I'm hoping England will beat Germany so there will be a family BBQ. Football is a big thing in my family and it means everyone will be around to give me money
This Saturday I think we are going to Osterley Park (best £16 I ever spent, that National Trust membership!) with a blanket and our books to chill in the sun. Because it's NT there will be no horrid chavs with no tops on, drinking lager and swearing. I may even take a couple of wine spritzers. The NT sent me a voucher in the post recently for a cream tea for 2. A pot of tea and 4 scones with jam and cream. Mmm. May have to use that and if there are no cream teas it's just a voucher for £9 towards food. I <3 the national trust!
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