The mother flippin'
I had heartburn last night. It had been quite a while since I'd had dinner so it must have been caused by my wine spritzers. I've never had heartburn before and I'm worried I'm going to get it often now. If wine sets it off that is extremely unfair
I know alcohol can cause it but I hope it's a one off. Also, I had a thai green curry for lunch today and it gave me really bad stomach pains. The last few times I've had Indian I've gotten really bad stomach pains so I'm thinking I'll probably have to give up curries
After one I had to go home from the pub to use the toilet, as I can't do twosies in public and the pain was so bad. I get upset tums and pains a lot but I don't want to go to the doctor about it. I've tried to keep a food diary to see if I have trigger foods, but then if I decide it's diary I will chug a pint of milk and eat a cheesy pizza with no problems.