Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Got my birthday pressie off Mumma K. Calorie Bible AND CYT cookbook AND meals for two cook book :D
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Aw fab pressies!

aww how lovely - enjoy using them! :) x
I would have a wedding list Jess. It's not a case of telling people what to get you, after all people can always choose something different if they'd rather. But most people like to know that they're getting you something you actually want and that works with what you have. It's also makes things easier for many people as they can do it all online and the shop usually wraps and delivers to the bride free which saves hassle of carrying pressie around on day etc. Also, you'll probably be more likely to get gifts from people who can't attend if they can just get something online rather than shopping, wrapping, posting etc.

I love wedding lists as I know the couple want what I buy rather than worrying they've already got similar, won't like it etc.
I'm totally undecided about wedding lists - primarily because I doubt we'll be having a big wedding anyway and the people we'd be inviting are not really in any position to give presents, if that makes sense (financial, etc).

I hope you had a lovely birthday chicken, I'm sorry that I've not been on here to wish you one but my internet is dodgy!

Sounds like you had a lovely birthday Jess, and have got some nice pressies.
Have my fingers crossed for the next places that you are viewing!
Hope you're having a good day so far! xx
Hello chaps and chappettes.

I've been a busy bunny trying to find a roof over our heads. It's so stressful this time around. We've found a place we L-O-V-E and we've said we want it, but the estate agent is farting about. On the previous two occasions the estate agents have started proceedings straight away and cancelled all other viewings. The first place we rented there were people viewing it at the time and they were quite interested but were just told "sorry, it's gone." There were a lot of viewings after us which she went through with and as far as we can tell, no one said there and then they wanted it. We rang this morning and she said she has to phone round to see if anyone else in interested. Erm, why? We've said yes, why chase up other people? I think she wants a bidding war, but we can't go much higher as it's based purely on Adam's wage and there is limit, something like 30 * a month's rent needs to be your wage. It's £895 a month but would be around £1300 if it had central heating and double glazing!! I don't find that a problem, my parents house has never had central heating and only had double glazing recently. Once I had a drink freeze in my bedroom! This house has two open fires and a rayburn downstairs, plus electric heaters upstairs. It's in the middle of the countryside, beautiful views and lovely gardens, plus a veg patch! It even has a cat flap. 3 double bedrooms, lounge, dining room. It's bigger than we need, but why go smaller for the same price? We are just in love with the location and could have a spare bedroom plus office/games room! Anyway, waiting to hear back on that one. Viewing a converted chapel on Saturday, amazing! Adam is viewing a normal, nice, town house on his own today. There should also be a viewing of a house for only £600 a month (our limit is £900), 3 bedrooms but it's so cheap as they want the tenants to redecorate. Fine by me! That's £300 extra a month in our pockets and once the decorating has been done we'll have a house to our taste with lots of extra cash! Plus Adam can walk to work from there. Anyway, I'm sure we will find something soon but I am stressing out a bit, as the last two times were both picked on the first day of looking. Now it's dragging on, move in dates are getting later and it's just stressful. I've got a big coldsore either from stress or all the sun :p
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Yuk i hate getting coldsores:(
Did you know you can get aciclovir in tablet form? works a billion times better than the cream.

Im shocked how much renting costs aswell:eek:,ok ive had my house 10 years & bought at a good time but my mortgage is only £300 a month!

Hope you find something soon,does this mean your beautiful puddy tat will be able to come & live back at home with you?:)
Yuk i hate getting coldsores:(
Did you know you can get aciclovir in tablet form? works a billion times better than the cream.

Im shocked how much renting costs aswell:eek:,ok ive had my house 10 years & bought at a good time but my mortgage is only £300 a month!

Hope you find something soon,does this mean your beautiful puddy tat will be able to come & live back at home with you?:)

Thanks for that Charly, I've only ever used Zovorax (or something) cream which does nothing. Can you get them from the chemist? I get coldsores fairly often, but amazingly Adam never gets them, so I can kiss away :p I read somewhere 25% of people are immune.

It's not just renting, it's renting in Sussex. I feel so sad when I look at houses for the same prices back home, I could have a 4 bed farmhouse with "grounds". Such a rip off! Even if we bought here our mortgage would only be slightly cheaper.

And yes, my puddy tat will be returning soon :) We have to put the little chite in the cattery again though as my friend is doing her kitchen out. Picking her up on the 27th so hopefully will have a place at the beginning or August. She's costing us a fortune!
If you go to the docs & say you are prone to coldsores (say they are bad!) they can give you aciclovir tablets but they are prescription only....when i use them my coldsore is gone within about 2 days! amazing. x