Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Hi Jess. Belated well done on the pound and hope you have a good time at your mum's. Take it one day at a time and I'm sure there won't be too much damage done.

Which Shire are you in? I keep looking at your thread title and seeing a "t" instead of an "r" :D
Hi Jess, not sure if I congratulated you on last weeks loss. Been so behind. so congrats if I haven't - and more congrats if I have.

Must be nice to be home...just have a lovely time and make healthier/smaller choices when you can and enjoy it when you can't/don't want to...:D
Hi Jess, just popped in to wish you luck for WI but having caught up see I dont need to LOL. Have fun and enjoy being around yr mammy. Take care and catch up soon xxx
Hi Jess. Belated well done on the pound and hope you have a good time at your mum's. Take it one day at a time and I'm sure there won't be too much damage done.

Which Shire are you in? I keep looking at your thread title and seeing a "t" instead of an "r" :D

Hehe, it's a typo I make quite often. Unfortunately placed letters!

I'm in Worcestershire. I live a mile from Shropshire though and a few miles from Herefordshire. Pop in and out of all 3 while I'm here :)
I think the most we can stick to over Xmas is 'everything in moderation', and I reckon it's the best plan of action :)

I mean, this year I'm going to NOT have second helpings of Xmas pudding, I'm going to go easy on the cream ;) but I'm still going to have everything I would do, just maybe slightly less of it ;)


It's a good plan!

You'll be fine just rein it in when you can and get back to it when you get home.

Have a great stay at home


Yeah, I won't have as much temptation back home :)

Have a wonderful time at your Mums hun. Just try and may has make healthy choices as you can and make sure your enjoy yourself

I'll certainly enjoy myself. Can't make any promises about healthy choices :p

Hi Jess, not sure if I congratulated you on last weeks loss. Been so behind. so congrats if I haven't - and more congrats if I have.

Must be nice to be home...just have a lovely time and make healthier/smaller choices when you can and enjoy it when you can't/don't want to...:D

Hehe, I'm trying :) I had a chocolate eclair and a chocolate milkshake. It was a good milkshake but I gave it to Adam half way through because I haaate drinking my calories and had a moment of strength! Then I looked at the nut vals in the eclair.. 15g of sat fat! Shocking. So I had a really tiny dinner.

I'll be happy as long as I stay in the 11s.

Hi Jess, just popped in to wish you luck for WI but having caught up see I dont need to LOL. Have fun and enjoy being around yr mammy. Take care and catch up soon xxx

Will do :)
Hi, just popped by to say hope you have a really great Christmas back at home!! xxx
hope you have a fantastic xmas Jess :D give Bilbo a hug from me xx
Hope you have a lovely Christmas!
Love Laura.xXx
Thanks for the Christmas wishes everyone! :) Merry Christmas to you all. Just a quick post, will catch up on diaries and do a longer one on boxing day. Got home at 9, only took 2 hours to get home! Motorways were lovely and quiet.

Weighed myself at 9:30pm and was the same weight as I was the morning I left! So I'm hoping when I weigh myself tomorrow morning it will show a loss! Should most likely be the same :) I was 11st 8.5lb last weigh in but was about 11st 10.5lb the Saturday so I'd gained a couple of lbs during the week. Now I'm hoping to be back to 11st 8.5 or around that tomorrow morning! Can't believe I haven't put on any weight since being home. I haven't really been snacking and have only had 2 meals a day but they weren't that healthy. Whatever I put on during Christmas day won't stay on because I'm back to WWing it on boxing day, don't see the point in waiting. Looking forward to getting back to it :)
Well done Jess, you sound so focused!!! Hope you had a great time at your mums :) Have a lovely christmas hun xxx
so what were you the other morning? :p did it show a loss??
Errrrrr .... what .... no boxing day update??? Hope you're doing well hun xxx