Hey Jess, just catching up and just wanted to say here here to your decission. I know you attitude is the right one, sometimes i get so obseessed with food when i'm dieting that i can think of nothing else, which obviously then makes me hungry and..... well we all know the rest.
From time to time i have taken breaks from dieting and i think it has done me good, i never seem to stay off it for too long but sometimes its just nice not to worry about it, enjoy your food and then i find i can come back to it ready to give it my best shot instead of feeling like i have to. Hope that makes sense.
So best of luck but like everyone says-dont you go anywhere young lady!!
Don't worry, I won't go anywhere

I want to see how everyone is doing.
Hiya jess...

i wish you loads of luck with the sensible eating hun...Thanks for bobbing into my diary and for the BNS dip recipe hmm hmm sounds fab im sure it would be just as good with ELF philly?
When you have a minute i wouldnt mind the risotto recipe too...Thanks xx
Yeah, I think philly would work well! I haven't tried the rissotto recipe, I'm having it this week. Here is it:
Chop one butternut squash up, spray with low cal spray and roast at 200C/6 for about 30 mins.
Warm 600ml/1 pint of veg stock in a pan on a low heat, drop the squash in and leave it to gently poach.
While the squash is roasting warm a pan over a gentle heat and add oil (or you could use low cal spray) and 25g butter (or low fat butter spread) followed by 1 finely chopped onion. Cover and cook for 3 mins until the onion turns translucent. Stir in 1 finely chopped celery, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 1tsp fresh thyme and 1 bay leaf. Add some pepper but no salt at this stage. Cover again and cook for 2 more mins.
Increase the heat slightly and stir in 140g rissotto rice (like arborio). Stir uncovered for about 5 mins.
Turn up the heat, stir in 100ml white wine and let it bubble away to almost nothing. Turn the heat down and add one ladel of stock at a time, stirring gently but constantly. Wait until it's absorbed before adding the next ladel. By the last ladel the squash should have softened; mash it up with the remaining stock and stir into the rissotto.
Turn off the heat, dot the top with butter (or low cal butter spread) and 50g of grated parmasan. Cover and leave to rest for 2 minutes, then stir through and check seasoning.
Serves 2.
The original recipe had 4tbsp of olive oil which you can substitute for spray I'd imagine, and the 50g of butter can be butter spread. The original recipe is 864 cals and 21g sat fat per serving (18 points). If you use spray just take off 7 points for the oil and whatever the difference between 25g of butter and spread is.
Hi sorry haven't posted before! Just read your long post and wanted to say good luck on your new journey. You sound like you've made the right decision, and I really hope it works out for you!
Good luck with the exercise too, I too love walking but country lanes at night are not fun
So good luck with it and I'll pop in and see how you're doing
Thank you