With this enthusiasm you can do anything - can you bottle it and sell it? That way you wont need to hope you'll win the lottery!Definately not Rach! I was just sat on the toilet (as you do) and looked down at my flabby tummy and flabby thighs (I hate the way everything spreads out when you sit down) and I have a renewed will to succeed! I think in the back of my head I was thinking it doesn't matter because it's only a couple of months until I'll be gyming it, and it's xmas soon and blah blah blah, I need to do it NOW! I am going to go shopping this Saturday for a Christmas outfit. It will probably get used for lots of things in December.. recycling is good though
I want to look good in it. Adam is in the kitchen making me a nommy chili and from now on I will stop being half arsed about it. I don't think I'll make the 14lbs, but 8lb or something will be a start
Sorry to hear bout your mums arm - hope she's okay and manages work! Hope dad manages to get his money through okay but so relieved he managed to get another job so quick!STS again, but it's better than gaining I suppose.
Going to the cinema tomorrow night to see Twilight, yay. Think I'm going to snuggle on the sofa tonight and watch children in need with some vodka and diet coke
My mum broke her arm this morningShe can't remember how exactly, but she fell down the stairs. She woke up at 4am and thinks she either sleepwalked and fell down or was just in a really groggy state. She works in a factory and is worried she won't be able to work for 6 weeks. Bad timing, just before xmas. My dad was made redundant a couple of weeks ago, his firm went bust. They should get that money in 2-3 weeks hopefully and my dad just got a job today.
Something you'd like to tell us missy?I thought it was the law to get sick pay.. I guess pregnancy doesn't count? £79 is the minimum, which is crap!
NooooSomething you'd like to tell us missy?
Just popping in to say hello - hope you having a good weekend x
HI hun hope you are well. Sorry to hear about your poor mum! How was New Moon -I'm off to see it Friday - can't wait so excited - I hope they haven't changed much from the book?