I will stop posting in my own diary constantly soon, but now I have food in my tummybox I'm a little ball of excitement. Villa booking confirmed! Just got off the phone to the lady to whom I gave my card details to pay the deposit. She said the bank might refuse the payment though as it's in euros and they might flag it up as fraud. Doubt it though, they only cancel our card for fraud when it's used a lot in the Tesco down the road, but not when it's used it Australia and the UK within the same hour
Holiday rental farmhouse in the Gironde with pool & garden
^ The villa! The parents are paying so Adam and I offered to pay for the hire of the people carrier. That was a major hassle, Adam's a month off 25 when we go and lots of companies don't allow <25s to hire, the others charge extra. Most don't let you take them out of the country, the rest charge loads! £536 for 9 days! It was £360 but the rest is just to take it out of the country. Can't really chance it cos if you get caught they'll probably charge £1000 or something. Still, I suppose £536 isn't much for a holiday for 2 to France

Bordeaux to the left (wine anyone??


and Bergerac to the right. Lots to do on the Dordogne river. I'm practically bouncing with excitement and trying to show Adam websites but he's all "yeah, whatever, I'll get excited nearer the time." Men
Also had a look at the class timetable for DL gym. I'm interested in doing boxercise, thai chi and spinning at the moment. When I'm slimmer I want to do yoga, but it's really hard to get into the positions when you've got a roll of fat and massive boobs in your way. I like the sound of some of the dancing ones too, but Adam won't come with me and I think I'll need a bit more gym confidence before I can go it alone to a dance class! Plus I get to use my expensive bravissimo swimming costume that I bought last summer. Shame I won't be able to wear it to France as it won't fit
Edit: Oh yeah! Weight watchers
Breakfast: Bagel, cream cheese (4)
Lunch: 2 satsumas (0.5), skips (1.5), crispy bar (3), couple of forks of potato salad (1)
Dinner: Footlong chicken breast sub, cheese, sauce (12).
No points saved after all, but it's only Monday. I don't have any saved from the other day either as Adam added up my breakfast, lunch, dinner points on my white board wrong. Came up with 22.5 instead of 24.5 so that was my 2.5 saved points eaten up!