Me and Jon didn't 'do' V-day either. Someone asked us what we did and I said 'well, we slept in til 2 and then made cookies' lol. Which wasn't even romantic cause we can't cook together, we always end up arguing![]()
Have an awesome weekend, it sounds really good!![]()
Hi everyone!
I had a great time away. The cottage was amazing and we had a really relaxing time. Stayed one night in Bath and if I'd had paid the full price I would be so annoyed! It was alright for what I paid though. Ate so much food i didn't feel even close to hungry the whole time. The last night we had Moroccan and afterwards we had to lie on the bed for the rest of the night after taking a painkillerit was gorgeous though.. Massive mezze platter to share and kebas with couscous. I plan to make it soon.
So back on the diet after 3 naughty weeks off and I weigh 12 stone 13. Can't remember what I was before but I think 3lbs gain? Started the healthy 2 weeks yesterday, ie no crisps, sweets, chocolate. Of course yesterday my big box of choccies I ordered from hotel chocolat for our anniversary get away turned up finally! Stuck them in the wardrobe and after the 2 weeks we'll have one each (pairs) and discuss them, haha. Chocolate club. Yesterday I had a bagel with a bit of peanut butter for breakfast, some low fat pesto with pasta, dairylea Dunkers, apple, orange for lunch then pollock, new pots and green beans for dinner. Today muesli followed by beans on wholemeal toast and fajitas for dinner. We've not got back into pointing yet but I did a rough add up in my head and I was under yesterday I think.
Wow this took ages to type on the iPhone (sorry Rach).
Glad you had a nice time hun x Iphone? Did I hear correctly that you have an iphone? I'm getting mine the end of the week can't wait, you'll have to send me your number then I can text you for free via whatsapp!!!
Grr, pissed off with Adam. I'm in the middle of a conversation with my mum on MY computer (which I paid for with MY lottery winnings, from MY ticket, that I bought and shared with him.. though he took over half) and he expects me to stop immediately for 20 minutes so he can fix his computer. He is so bloody rude, he thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants all the time. He asked if he could use it "quickly" so I say yes and then after about 10 minutes I need to reply to my mum as the window has been flashing the whole time and he gets in a massive strop as what he's doing is SOOOO important (it's f-ing not!!) that he can't stop for 2 seconds for me to use my own bloody computer! His computer has been broken for weeks, he couldn't be arsed to send off the part to get it fixed for weeks and there is no reason it needs fixing tonight but he's a d-head. He's ridiculously spoilt.. hasn't got a clue about the value of money, never tidies up after himself and moans about having to do everything adults have to do. He wants to go to work, come home and then do absolutely nothing. There is a mouldy cup of tea with an orange in it (why?!) next to his bed with a pair of dirty boxers on top. I am sick of looking after a fricking 24 year old child! He never ever looks in the bank account, just draws money out willy nilly to spend on things like £6 kebabs for lunch.
Oh and talking to my MOTHER whom I haven't spoke to in about a week isn't important, but if I tried to butt in while he was playing a GAME he'd go mental. Seriously, not even allowed to speak. Sometimes I HATE him.
wouldn't she just lol, now no more fighting you two lol xxmummy k he only washes up cos nanny e would smack his ass!