JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Dinner sounds lovely! Are you roasting your own peppers or using the pre done ones? I love those jars of roasted peppers - they're just delicious! xx

Roasted my own chick :) xxxx
It looks like there's plenty of food there, could he maybe need more fat to fill him as well as the protein too? Are you allowed nuts/seeds? Boiled eggs are great? Also lots of water and herbal teas maybe?

I'm trying lots of water and green tea today to try and flush my system out!

Are you taking photos of all your meals like day 1? Can't wait to see them!! x

He's having quite a bit of fat through what we cook in and he has nuts quite a bit, but yes you're right in that be just needs a tad more of both protein and fats with his meals. He needs to drink more definitely but he finds it hard with his job.

Yes honey they are all on IG. I am being 100% accountable and taking photos of EVERYTHING that i eat xxxx.
This diet sounds very do able if prepped well! Do you find its taking up a lot of spare time?

It is taking a bit of time yeah but i reckon if you plan it for slow cooker dishes or really simple dishes it wouldn't be so bad. I don't think it's much more time consuming than healthy eating is in general though. It's the washing up for me that is annoying lol xxxx.
My mouth is watering just reading this! How far in advance are you planning? Xxx

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6 days this week but started planning next week and looking for some quicker dishes xxxx
Good morning ladies :)

Yesterday was a bit tough. I had to have a snack of banana and nuts so i could take some tablets thanks to mother nature. I also was teary moody and wanted chocolate. Poor James. Anyway, reading whole30 people feel like that on day 3 so i think it was a mix of that and mother nature. Also kept napping haha.

Anyway tummy still sore today :( but nothing some tablets won't take off.

Eats for today:
B - Frittata (P,V,F) with spinach
L - Leftover taste of Greece (P,V,F) served with carrots (V) and nuts (F)
D - Fajitas! But no wraps! ;): chicken (P) onion, peppers, mushrooms (V) salsa - chopped tomatoes (V) guacamole (F) coconut oil (F) watermelon/grapes

Nearly Friday! :) xxxx
Wow - I'm impressed! I don't think I could do this; it seems very hard-core but I know you were doing a lot of clean eating anyway so perhaps not that drastic a change from your normal diet (as opposed to Christmas diet). Food does look delicious, though.

I had to laugh at the deconstructed pizza and the wrap-less fajitas! If you wanted a wrap, would a large lettuce leaf work if you popped into hot water for a second or two to soften?
Wow - I'm impressed! I don't think I could do this; it seems very hard-core but I know you were doing a lot of clean eating anyway so perhaps not that drastic a change from your normal diet (as opposed to Christmas diet). Food does look delicious, though.

I had to laugh at the deconstructed pizza and the wrap-less fajitas! If you wanted a wrap, would a large lettuce leaf work if you popped into hot water for a second or two to soften?

Yeah the food itself is pretty much what we have anyway so that is easy enough :) it is the 100% lack of treats as I have always allowed myself some naughty bits, the 100% lack of dairy as I love my milky drinks, and the attempt to minimise snacking as I usually graze. No cheat meals either so I can't motivate myself with that haha. I guess this should help move away from any emotional eating as I think I use food as a reward but didn't really realise until this week!

And yes good idea :) if I get chance to pop to shops I'll pick some up, if not then I will next time :p

Doing without treats or dairy is way to hard for me!

if not lettuce, cabbage leaf?

Good idea - again, don't have any in. Think I would prefer lettuce as cabbage has too many side effects ;) xxxx.
Food sounding divine again today, chick! Did James feel any less ravenous yesterday? Lettuce wraps are so delish - we often have them as normal wraps fill me up too much! xx
Agree, food sounds great today and I love a good fajita without a wrap but I usually have some rice and kidney beans on the side which is a big no no for you at the moment. OH wants enchiladas on Friday so I'll make some for him but then just have the filling with some sweet potato wedges I think.
Food sounding divine again today, chick! Did James feel any less ravenous yesterday? Lettuce wraps are so delish - we often have them as normal wraps fill me up too much! xx

He's still hungry! I think I'm going to up his protein by making him a starter of some simple protein before dinner! xxxx
Agree, food sounds great today and I love a good fajita without a wrap but I usually have some rice and kidney beans on the side which is a big no no for you at the moment. OH wants enchiladas on Friday so I'll make some for him but then just have the filling with some sweet potato wedges I think.

Can't go wrong with sweet potatoes!! xxxx
I'm having the same dinner tomorrow! Fajitas with lettuce wraps, salsa and guac. Yum!

You're doing so well with this Jess - these first few days are the hardest and once you get past them then there'll be no looking back xxx

Thank you for the encouragement sweetheart xxxx
Food still sounds lush babe! Is James feeling any better?
Lettuce wraps are on my list of things to have too instead of bread!
Love ya millions xxx

A bowl of fajita worked well! see my IG :) xxxx