JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Aw sweetie you poor thing! I hope you're feeling better by now? Eats sound amazing! You do healthy so well! Xx

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Yes it has gone away today :) it was after it that I felt ill last month though so if that starts again I need to get to see the docs xxxx
Day 4 was a success - James is still hungry though so we are going to up his protein! and good carbs post gym :) had a headache, feeling better today so far though

Eats for today:
B - 2 boiled eggs (P) smoked salmon (P) (checked this and had nothing fake in or added anything but salt!) spinach. Maybe not enough fat in this ...
I have just eaten this and really really struggled .... I managed because I know my body needs it but urgh I don't think I can do smoked salmon this early
L - leftover fajitas (P, V, F) with sweet potato and carrots (V) grapes
D - Pork loin chop (P) with veggies (tbc)

Looking forward to the weekend :) Having a really quiet one! James is working tomorrow morning so my friend is coming round to do my nails; then we are doing the food shop and chilling with a good film and some steak and healthy carbs ;) thinking a jacket spud as they are allowed just in small amounts. Then sunday seeing James' family :) It is going to be the most challenging time, especially with lie ins and being out and about near temptation but we are both 100% determined to do this - James especially tbh! Anyone got any plans? xxxx
Aww poppet. I know what you mean about smoked salmon. I have to have it a bit later in the morning too. I'm sure your body will soon get used to the different foods in the mornings.

A quiet weekend sounds lovely! Especially steak :)

We've got a quiet one too - out for dinner with my parents tonight as there's a 50% off voucher doing the rounds and they do great steak! Then tomorrow Dave is going for a long ride and I'm going to go for a run and then do about 5 loads of washing! He's out for a friend's birthday in the evening so I'm just going to chill out at home and maybe have a bit of a wardrobe/dressing room tidy up. Then Sunday we are having a date day - going to watch The Hobbit on Pip's recommendation :) xxx
Morning darling - I dont think I could stomach smoked salmon this early either but well done for listening to your body and powering through.

Weekend sounds good, oooh steak - Havent had that in a while - might have to make that suggestion to Ian!
We were meant to be going to friends on Saturday but one of them is in the same boat as me but much worse, so we've postponed till the 24th, so a quiet saturday night in for us, Sunday I think we're going over to the in-laws so that'll be a pig out sunday!
I guess I'm just weird in that I can eat smoked salmon at any time of day...
I looooove smoked salmon!! It's on my weekend breakfast menu with scrambled eggs and avocado and I can't wait! I wouldn't worry too much about it though babe, if you've got eggs in there, you've definitely got enough protein :)

You're going really well! I was going to ask you what "good carbs" are - is it just a normal jacket potato or do other things count too? x
Just spied on fb that emails have been sent out to all GNR applicants advising if they were successful or not in the first Daily Mirror ballot... I haven't got my email yet though!!!

Any luck?? x

Just checked and it is in my promotional emails and nope no luck :( automatic entry for feb though xxxx
I looooove smoked salmon!! It's on my weekend breakfast menu with scrambled eggs and avocado and I can't wait! I wouldn't worry too much about it though babe, if you've got eggs in there, you've definitely got enough protein :)

You're going really well! I was going to ask you what "good carbs" are - is it just a normal jacket potato or do other things count too? x

I managed to eat it; can't waste food :p

Well sweet potato are fine and can't veg. But apart from potatoes and most veg you can't have carbs. So no corn or peas (allowed sugar snap as more pod than pea :p) no rice no pasta. No grains like quinoa or couscous either.

You're not supposed to weigh in on Whole30 but I'm going to haha! I'm only going to use it as motivation and I've been dieting long enough now to know just because you don't lose, or even gain, that doesn't mean you've put fat on.

Anyway, weigh in 1 i knew I'd lost something as my jeans were looser but i didn't expect this: -7lbs! Half a stone off! :) now a lot of that will have been bloat from Christmas but it puts me at 9st 11lbs - the lowest I've been! :D

I'm back to exercise this week so i might even gain but i want to be fit more than skinny so that's fine! But still eek!

A little update on weekend food for you all

B: 2 fried eggs (P) in coconut oil (F) spinach (V) parma ham (P) watermelon
L: Bowl of new potatoes With tuna (P) and oil (F) no veggies as none in
S: Nakd bar - a bit naughty but spent nearly 3 hours grocery shopping so needed this
D: Steak (P) in clarified butter (F) with green beans, broccoli (V) and jacket spud

B/L: scrambled egg (P) with mackerel (P) plum tomatoes (V) garlic mushrooms (V) in clarified butter (F) grapes
D: Sunday dinner - chicken (P) mixed veg (V) sweet potato mash (V) normal mash which had a tiny bit of proper butter (F)❤ this was unexpected with family so did well on this and really grateful to them for trying for us
S: nakd bar - dinner wasn't that big so needed this

Allowing ourselves nakd bar on weekends as a compliant 'treat' but they give me a right sugar hit haha

Eats for today:
B: 3 egg muffins with green beans, peppers and mushrooms in cooked in coconut oil (P,V,F) with spinach (V)
L: jacket spud with salad (V) and nuts (F) banana
D: lamb burgers (P) with sweet potato wedges cooked in coconut oil (F) veggies (V) watermelon

Looooooong post haha. Have a good Monday lovelies xxxx.
Jeez Jessy - that is an incredible loss! Well done you! I can't wait to see what you can achieve by the end of the month!!

Food sounds delish once again. What exercise have you got planned for the week?

Well done on such a great loss! Are you going to be doing anything different this week as you're exercising again? I'm even more aware of the fact that I need to eat more protein but it's trying to find a way to get it in when I already feel pretty full most of the day anyway.
Holy crap Jess!! Amaazzzzinnnggggg!! Was this with MN too?! Flip!! Well done!! It obviously works!! Do you feel good too?!

I don't think whole 30 is that different to what I'm doing so I really hope I've got a decent loss this week too! I feel so heavy though with MN :(

I think the main differences are that you're allowing white potatoes and fruit, and I'm allowing dairy, a couple of grains (bulghar/quinoa), lentils and pulses - reckon that's right?!

Are all your meats (i noticed you had mince last week) low fat or fat free? xx
I would like to start this I think! Have you had or do you have any social events planned? How do/ would you cope? Next Monday could be a good day to start. Mmmmmm
Wowee babe, thats amazing - well done on the loss, it sounds like you've got the plan down to a T! :happy096:

Food this weekend sounds amazing, I might have to nick some recipe deas from you.