JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

I had a quick go Lil but didn't work, but will have another go later :)

Ging it ended up being 59 calories in pack so 3, and then not sure about sausages so rounded it up in case :) Sausages were nom, sauce was okay and I might as well have made my own for free really. Served it up with lots of kale, peas and carrots though :) avoided the potato carbs!

Wednesday 13th November

Red Day
Breakfast: Fat free yoghurt (i'm starving this morning!) Weetabix (HEB) Milk (HEA) Banana (SF) Satsuma (SF)
Lunch: Turkey new york deli style sandwich (HEB, HEA and 2 syns) satsuma (SF)
Snacks: Mini ryvita if I need them - I am working at a Graduation event (5 syns)
Dinner: Meatballs (F) with a tomato based sauce (F) served with lots of veg (SF)

Full of cold so no gym for me this week xxxx
Working Graduation was fun yesterday and even though I'm not a massive 1D fan Harry Styles was there as his sister was graduating! That was quite novel and made the day even more exciting! All the staff were giddy nvm the graduates hehe.

Yesterday's food was as I hoped it would be but only 4.5 syns for ryvita minis not 5 :)

Today's food, EE :)
Breakfast: Weetabix (HEB) milk (HEA) banana (SF) satsuma (SF)
Lunch: Leftover meatball sauce with some turkey on top (SF and F in there)
Snacks: Satsuma (SF) Plum (SF) Yoghurt (F) and if I'm starving some crisps (4.5)
Dinner: Sunshine pork: pork chops with new potatoes, cherry tomatoes and rosemary (F) served with veg (SF)

WI tomorrow and I'm nervous that I'll have put on a bit after my loss last week (jumped on scales, tut tut, this morning and have STS though so really hope that stays the same!)

On the plus side Friday tomorrow and we are heading up to Newcastle to see my family :D xxxx
Woo for the northern weekend! :) even if you do have a STS...a loss like that over 2 weeks is still flipping amaze!
What is it you do Jess? Graduation event sounds fun..I'm no 1D fan either, but imagine HS's appearance created even more of a buzz!
Good luck for WI tomorrow!!
Woo for the northern weekend! :) even if you do have a STS...a loss like that over 2 weeks is still flipping amaze!
What is it you do Jess? Graduation event sounds fun..I'm no 1D fan either, but imagine HS's appearance created even more of a buzz!
Good luck for WI tomorrow!!

Hehe woo indeed I'm so excited to see my mum, dad, brother, and grandma :)

Hehe thank you I'm just scared I will have put weight on!

I work as a Regulations and Policy Officer - which effectively is making decisions about student related problems which they experience at university. But we also work in the same office as people on the Graduation team so we get to be chief general stewards (the bossy ones telling everyone what to do) at graduation :) it was my first time and I loved it. And yeah there really was a buzz!

I had a few celebration choc yesterday as I felt off at work :/ not really an excuse but I needed chocolate. I stayed within my daily syns though.

Weigh in this morning: 10 st 11lbs: STS. Thank goodness for that :) really pleased as we didn't get back into sw food properly until Tuesday. I think it's the fact you make better choices in general even when you go for naughty food, which is good.

Friday! Breakfast: HEB Weetabix HEA milk Banana SF
Lunch: not sure yet maybe a subway salad :) (3 syns for light mayo)
Snacks: Yoghurt and a 13.5 syn wisps gold! (I'm treating myself as I've craved one for ages so resisted yesterday to wait for weigh in)
Dinner: This is going to be naughty too as we have a drive up to Newcastle and then my mum will have just got in from work so we are having pizza and chips. I'm going to put some quick veg on too so I eat less of the naughty things.

So a naughty day and probably a naughty weekend but I will make the best choices that I can (I don't want to ask my mum and grandma to cook sw friendly food as I appreciate them cooking anyway and it's so yummy what they do but I can make careful choices around what they cook)

Thanks hun :) xx can't wait to see them all <3
Hello everyone :) just to say I am still here but finding it hard to stick 100% on plan this week (still trying!), work is also very busy.

I will comment on diaries when I can and will be back on it next week :)

Managed to STS :) very surprising considering I have had over my syns this week. I think I've learned how not to go over the top when I eat naughty things, which definitely helps.

Im home again this weekend so will probably be off plan, but will count my syns and hopefully can make it up in the week for a little loss :)

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxxx