JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Hello ladies :) my weekend was synful I'm afraid but back on it today :)

Breakfast: Weetabix (HEB) milk (HEA) Banana Satsuma
Lunch: Pasta Tuna and sweetcorn, satsuma
Snacks: Jaffa slice (2) a few fruity polo sweets (4?) banana
GYM! (So cba but dragging myself there this very minute)
Dinner: Salmon with soy chili and ginger dressing, sweet potato wedges, and lots of veg :)

Work is so busy that I'm exhausted hence why not on here much but i miss everyone and documenting really does help so ill try and stay posting reading and being inspired

Managed to have a good session at the gym. The boy was teaching me how to do squats properly which was nice :) and I can really feel the burn today! Did day 2 of week 3 of c25k and it was tough but managed to do it.

Dinner was really yummy but I had 1 syn of extra light mayo bringing daily syns to 7

Wednesday 27th November
Breakfast: Weetabix (HEB) Milk (HEA) Banana Satsuma
Lunch: Quinoa with onion, garlic, peppers, peas, sweetcorn, chopped tomatoes and some pepperoni (2 syns per portion) Managed to make enough last night for today and tomorrow for James and I so that saves cooking tonight :D
Dinner: Chicken with something. Although I'm fancying mash, asparagus and more veg :) as having sauce based lunch, but will see

Hopefully going to the gym but it is work permitting as there is a deadline tomorrow!

Hope everyone's Wednesday goes to plan!
Thanks Hun it took a lot of effort getting into the gym but once I was there I realised I have missed it

Aw thanks honey, just trying to keep people as motivated as possible :) xxxx I like your posts, always practical solutionss to issues :)
Jessy, you really are so posi and Lily, you are so wise about everything! Love you girls! Def helping me hang in there at the moment! I def feel like I tell you guys what is going on more than some of the people I have known forever! It's weird but it feels really comfortable!

And Jessy, another girl on the quinoa! I seriously must buy some! I'm just not sure how it will fair because my cous cous is always crap and in my head they're quite alike!
I totally get you Tasha cos I was telling my best friend about this site and she just didn't get it :)

Yes it's so yummy and really helps me lose weight :)

Managed to stay off syns yesterday even though I had a crap day, and it paid off :D

-1lb this morning, down to 10st 10lbs :D yay. Just 3lbs off Christmas target - it's gonna be close!

Had a nice surprise this morning. Woke up to a McDonalds breakfast that the boy had got me (holiday day off toether today). Quickly weighed myself before scoffing it though ;) then went to York today for St Nicholas Fayre :) Ate chocolate brownie, chocolate, a sandwich and went for a French meal: creamy garlic mushrooms, confit duck with dauphinois potatoes, and a chocolate pot and glass of red wine - NOT sw friendly. But I enjoyed it and plan on being back on it tomorrow :)

Hope you all have lovely weekend plans? xxxx
Hello ladies sorry I've not been around much. Work is still super busy so I'm working long hours. But I managed to leave earlier today so I thought I'd pop on.

Ive had a few naughty treats as I'm so exhausted but not going overboard so would be chuffed with a maintain on Friday (though it's looking like 1lb on). Going to the gym now to try and work off some of the syns.

Will comment on diaries when I get the chance! Hope you're all well!

Jess :) xxxx
Hello beautiful girls :) sorry I've not been on much work and life are both still very very busy.

I am still slimming, not strictly slimming world, but trying not to be too ridiculous (although too much choc is being eaten).

I lost another lb last week :) but think I might just make sensible choices as much as I can and not weigh in again until after Christmas but will see!

Hope you're all doing well xxxx
Woo go you for another pound off!
Seems as if the winter/Xmas munchies have definitely hit us all lately!
Sounds like you're still doing a grand job even if it's not strictly 100% on plan! Just being mindful of what's being put in your belly is better than nothing (if only I could remember this a bit more frequently!!)

Hope work and life aren't too stressful! Do you have much time off over Xmas to get a bit of chill time?! Xx
Woo go you for another pound off!
Seems as if the winter/Xmas munchies have definitely hit us all lately!
Sounds like you're still doing a grand job even if it's not strictly 100% on plan! Just being mindful of what's being put in your belly is better than nothing (if only I could remember this a bit more frequently!!)

Hope work and life aren't too stressful! Do you have much time off over Xmas to get a bit of chill time?! Xx

I think i've been quite lucky loosing weight, but I think i'll put a lb on this week but i'm quite happy with 10.10 as a christmas weight tbh :)

In January James and I are doing a weigh in and measure each week thing at the gym so that will be a good incentive to get back on it!

Off christmas day until the 2nd Jan :) so plenty of time to chill, although busy with family and friends over the break

How is your job going?

Well whatever you're doing it's obviously working! :) the weigh in/measure sounds like a great jan kickstart! I get this forum will be manic in jan with new joiners too...just like little old me on 7th jan this year! I absolutely can't wait for all the fun Xmas times...but at the same time...jan can't come soon enough! All this temptation is killing me!

The job is going well, sometimes I feel like in just muddling through each day, but I'm only a month in...and hopefully in jan I'll be ready to go full pelt a bit more on the more proactive stuff I'm meant to be doing!

What have you and James got planned for the weekend? Xxx
Happy New Year everyone! Here is to 2014 the year of the target! ;) Hope you all had lovely Christmases and fun New Years!

As you might have noticed I have not been on here for about a month - I had December completely off plan and wasn't motivated for the diet. However I resolved this would only last December and I will keep to this! As of Monday (6/1) I am back on it and determined to go for it properly.

I haven't decided on my exact resolutions this year - I'd like to make them quite specific to help give me some structure to my get fit plan. As soon as I have decided them I will share them here. (And you can all make sure I'm sticking to them ;) heehee). Does anyone else have any resolutions for 2014?

I bought the SW magazine today and it's motivated me again which felt great!

I'm going to weigh in Monday morning to see final damage .... But I think I've put on about 5lbs :/ but it was worth it and I'm genuinely motivated again now for it

I'll catch up as much as I can on people's diaries before Monday, although I am sure you've all been stars :)

Hehe well i for one most definitely have not been a star! :) Whats the new mag like, is it worth a buy?!

Lovely to have you back seems there are a few of us who were off the wagon a wee bit over Dec...and now we're all back with a vengeance and ready to keep each other motivated! :)

Cant wait to hear what you're resolutions are once you've fine tuned them! I dont really have any as such...just want to be the best I can be in all aspects of life. Perhaps a bit vague, but feel like I just want to make the most of everything! :)

I'm with you on finishing the last few things in the fridge before being 100% back to it on Sunday or Monday! Woop 2014..the year of the Target! xxx